Angela: I am a Runner

Spring has finally arrived in Red Deer. I am thrilled so you won’t find me much online these days. I need to be outside after being stuck in the office all day. Nothing improves my mood than a good dose of sunshine!
Angela from Cowgirl Runs is my featured runner today. She has a great blog that she updates frequently. Go ahead and bookmark it – lots of great stuff! She’s running her first 50K next weekend in Calgary. (I can’t believe it’s next weekend already!) 
Send some positive vibes Angela’s way. And have a fantastic Thursday. 

Name: Angela

Profession: Accountant

Runner Since: 2010

City: Calgary

1. Why did you start running? What pushes you to keep going?

In 2009 I wrote my last exam to get my accounting designation. I spent the summer of 2009 cooped up in my condo studying, actually, I studied from 2003-2009 between getting my degree and then my designation.

I realized I’d probably have some free time and thought I should probably do something to challenge myself so I decided I wanted to run a half marathon. The Eau Claire Running Room had a half-marathon training program for the BMO Kelowna half marathon and Kelowna is one of my favourite cities, so it was a pretty easy decision to make.

Running and I had a bit of a rocky relationship until the winter of 2013. I signed up to run SeaWheeze and decided I was actually going to train for it. I had a great race; signed up to run the BMO Kelowna Marathon and really haven’t stopped. Running keeps me grounded and I like finding new challenges for myself … like the Calgary Marathon 50k!

2. What is your running/fitness routine for a typical week?

Right now I’m using the Hanson Brother’s method to train for my 50k. The training plan is a six day a week plan with high mileage, so right now sometimes it feels like all I do is run πŸ™‚ It’s not necessarily a bad thing but I can say I do look forward to my Wednesday rest days. After the 50k I’d like to find a bit more balance between running and cross training.

3. What does running mean to you?

When I got back into running in 2013 it was definitely a way for me to cope. Now running is part of me. When I make plans for the future, I think of new races to run, and sort out any crazy things in my brain.

4. Trails or pavement? Why?

Currently pavement, mainly because it’s what’s near me for my runs. When I lived in B.C. and ran with my dad, the majority of my runs were done on the trails and I’d love to try to do some more trail running in the upcoming years.

5. What is your favourite distance to run? Why?

I love the half marathon. It’s long enough that you do have to train for it, but not so long that you feel like death (I’m looking at you, marathon distance). I’ve spent a lot of time training for longer distances so I’d like to race some 10ks to work on my speed over the summer. I guess I really just like running!

6. Best running memory? Tell us about it.

I always struggle with these questions. Running has meant different things to me at different times in my life. The sense of accomplishment I felt when running my first half and first marathon was pretty amazing. SeaWheeze was special to me because it was truly just such a fun weekend – the same with Disney. Every race I’ve ran is a great memory, even if they all mean something different.

7. What has running taught you about yourself?

That I’m strong and I can do it.

8. Do you have any current running goals?

So many goals! My current goal is to finish the 50k upright. Yes, I also have a time goal, but really, I just want to finish upright and smiling, that’s the most important.

I’d like to finally run a 1:55 half marathon and break 50 minutes in the 10k. I’m definitely going to run another marathon and I’d like to break 4:00 and maybe one day even try to BQ.

9. Do you run alone or with a group? Tell us about it.

I mainly run alone. My friends aren’t crazy like I am – but I did manage to convince them to run SeaWheeze with me this year, so I’m super excited about that! I would have loved to have found a group for the 50k, but I couldn’t find any Running Room locations that were putting together a training plan.

Hopefully one day I’ll have my own group of running friends.

10. What advice would you give to new runners?

Stick with it. One day at a time. If you think too far ahead your training schedule will scare you, just look at the current week or day.

Get fitted for shoes. Seriously. Do it. Go to a running store and have your gait analyzed before buying shoes – it will make a huge difference.

And don’t take yourself too seriously.

Connect with Angela:

Twitter: @cowgirlruns
Instagram: cowgirlruns
Facebook: Cowgirl Runs

That’s it for me today, folks. Be sure to check out past interviews here. Last weekLindsey from A Running Tale was featured.


  1. I love this answer "running has meant different things to me at different times in my life". Ang has such a great blog and witty writing style!

  2. I agree with Lindsay regarding "running has meant different things to me at different times in my life"…very well said!

  3. Super duper luck on your 50k this weekend Angela!!! I'm heading over to check out your blog, now. πŸ™‚

  4. Lindsay, I'm witty? Oh, I'm squeeing over here!!

    Thanks so much for featuring me Crystal – I really hope we're able to meet next weekend!! πŸ™‚

    1. Me too. I'll send you my mobile number. I'll be at the expo to hear Dean K first thing on Saturday!

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