Lindsey: I am a Runner

Hello friends! I hope the sun is shining in your part of the world. It sure is here in Alberta. I have the tan to prove it! Mind you it only has to be a few digits above zero for my skin to feel the effects. 
Anyway it’s that time in the week where I shine the light on one of the runners in the community. I love meeting new people and hearing about their journey and inspiration. This week I’ve stayed local with Lindsey from A Running Tale. Based in Red Deer, Lindsey is setting a great example for her daughter and other moms out there.

City: Red Deer
Profession: Marketing Manager
Runner Since: 2009

1. Why did you start running? What pushes you to keep going?
A friend convinced me to run the Woody’s Half Marathon in 2010 and I agreed, from there I was hooked! Well it is different all the time, I became very competitive with myself after my first half marathon and pushed my body to run more races faster, then a full marathon. I loved the sense of accomplishment when I crossed the finish line(s). I was never athletic growing up so seeing my body run these distances amazed me. But lots has changed in four years and now I run because I love it and can run – something I do not want to take for granted. It is also a great stress relief with a new baby!

2. What is your running/fitness routine for a typical week?

I only started running again in January after having my first baby in November. I was amazed at how fast I bounced back. Since I took a running break for the year before getting pregnant, then only ran causally when I was pregnant so January to March was just getting back into running. Since mid-March I have been running 3-4 days a week, plus one day cardio, one day Mom & Baby Yoga and strength training is in there too. I always give myself one rest day, if not two.

3. What does running mean to you?

It is means freedom. I have really learned to appreciate that I can run, and never want to take that for granted, nor push my body further than it wants to go.

4. When did you have your first “a ha” running moment? Tell us about it.  

Not an exact moment but I have to say its been running postpartum. Since I did not train for any races in 18 months and did not run in 5 months I was amazed at my first few runs back. It was like I took a few weeks off running, not months. The body is an amazing thing!

5. How do you balance family with staying in shape? Is your family supportive?

Well my daughter is only five months old so this is new to me, and being on maternity leave I have a ton more time than if I was working. But right now I make sure to nap during baby’s naps so that I am not taking away time with her. I also include her in my workouts, walks (and soon runs) in the stroller and Mom & Baby Yoga. My husband is very supportive of it all which makes a huge difference for sure.

6. Best running memory? Tell us about it.

I have a tie – one crossing the finish line of my first full marathon – it’s an emotional time for sure, and all the training etc paid off so I will never forget that time. Number two was when my husband and I took an 11-day road trip to Anaheim to run the Disneyland Half Marathon. Part of the course went through the stadium which was filled with cheering spectators at 6 a.m. Such an awesome feeling.

7. What has running taught you about yourself?

To listen to my body and trust it. It knows its limits, knows when I need to fuel my body more and when to take rest days.

8. Do you have any current running goals?

To run two half-marathons before my daughter turns one in November.

9. What kind of runner are you? Competitive? Recreational? Goal chaser?

I used to be competitive/goal chaser for sure but now I would say I am between a recreational and a goal chaser. I definitely run more now because I love it and it helps me keep sane haha but I also still have loose goals when it comes to races.

10. What example would you like to set for your children or other moms?

That its important to take of yourself and staying active is part of that, however it is also about balance, so do not make “it” your whole life. Also, that being a mom is tough but make sure you take time out to be active, that 30 or 60 minutes a day is possible to fit in most days and you deserve to take that time to yourself.

Connect with Lindsey:

Twitter: @ARunningTale

Read some past Q & As right here. Last week I featured Peter, who was one of my most popular reads in the series.

Have a fabulous Thursday!

1 Comment

  1. Great answers Lindsey! I think it's awesome that you are back running already and hope I can be the same after I have a child 🙂

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