I'm here to pump you up

I took a step back with my Crossfit this week. I wanted to give my legs a rest so I could concentrate on recovering and running. I added a few hours of sleep each night too. It’s amazing how one feels after getting 8 hours of sleep!

I am feeling pretty good with my efforts at Crossfit. I mean there’s still a laundry list of skills that I can’t do (pull ups, handstand push ups etc) but I am totally okay with that. Thanks to the awesome coaches my form has greatly improved on some of the Olympic lifting. Success! I love watching the the Crossfit Regionals. The athletes are so inspiring!

Wednesday’s WOD was another 20 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible). We seem to be doing a lot of these lately. Twenty minutes may not seem like a long workout but it sure is when you are doing anything overhead! My right hammie was not feeling wonderful so I decided not to push myself too much. The push jerks were okay because I used a light weight. Later in the day, I snuck out of work for a neck/shoulder massage.

Friday was an endurance day. Before the WOD we did 5 minutes of skipping in our warm up. I was the second to last person off the rower again. That’s okay because I do feel more comfortable with the damn machine. Later in the day I did some interval work along my 10K run. It sure was a day made for endurance!
On Thursday I ran to the mobility class. I didn’t realize how close the box is to my place. I decided I will walk there every morning instead of driving. I can sleep in an extra 10 minutes too! This is a picture along the pathway. It was very quiet and peaceful at 6 in the morning. Our class focused on upper rack position (for front squats for example). It’s amazing the wonders that a lacrosse ball holds. 
I am glad Kelly (see top picture) has stayed with Crossfit too. I like sharing our successes together! Kelly bought an abmat from the gym a few weeks ago. We use abmats for situps and I never understood why until I started doing a little research. Kelly has championed the abmat so I decided to pick one up a couple weeks ago. 

To use an abmat, you place the raise part under your lumbar spine. This allows your abdominal muscles to reach their full range of motion. It also helps protect your lower back. I couldn’t find many articles on the abmat but here’s a good one from Breaking Muscle.

I’ve been doing between 25 and 50 situps everyday. I definitely can feel my muscles contracting and working. I am not one for buying weird gadgets but I trust the good folks at crossfit. I wasn’t doing any situps before so anything is better than nothing. If anything it will improve my core strength just a little. 

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