Marathon Monday: Calgary Marathon Training (Week 6 Recap)

I am suddenly feeling very under trained for Calgary. I made the mistake of asking other runners about their training programs. In some cases I am not even doing half the amount of work they are doing. 

I don’t want to psych myself out. But I am a little worried. Maybe I have not been working as hard as I should be. I looked at my log for Tucson. My mileage is about the same. I did slightly more speed work last time around so that may be a problem. (This time around I have completed two 20 milers and I have plans for another one.) 
Ugh. I don’t know want to do. Maybe it’s just nerves? I guess the only thing I can do right now is to continue training without psyching myself out. And I should refrain from asking other runners about their training schedules.  

Week 6:

Monday: 7.5K (4K walk at lunch)

Tuesday: 10K

Wednesday: 2K #runtocanadaday

Thursday: Morning Crossfit and 8K (4x800m)

Friday: Rest 2K #runtocanadaday

Saturday: 8K


  1. I hear you! I have a marathon in less than a week and am questioning most of my training. Not that it helps in any way to do this. Everyone is different so realistically training plans should all be different. We also had to work around a crappy winter, frankly sometimes I'm surprised I even reached this point 🙂

    1. Thanks Susan! I think it is the winter that has messed with my usual positivity! Good luck with your marathon & enjoy the taper!

  2. Aw Crystal, with the ultras you have run, I am confident you are on track with your training. This is the time in the training cycle where we feel tired, run down and our head plays games with us. We have probably all gone into races slightly undertrained or slightly overtrained. I don't know about you but I'd rather be slightly undertrained than overtrained. It's too easy to get run into the ground and have nothing left on race day. Hang in there! Hope to see you soon! Loved the photos of you running with Tina! 🙂

  3. Great job with your training Crystal! You are doing awesome. Your cross fit is making you strong and you've put in good distance. There will always be someone who has racked up bigger mileage than you. That just might mean they're over trained….so don't be intimidated. 🙂

  4. Everyone trains differently and I think you will kick the marathons ass! If it makes you feel any better, I haven't run in over a month now 🙁

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