Marathon Monday: Calgary Marathon (Week 10 Training Recap)

I feel like I just wrote a training week recap. It’s all a blur. This week I feel confident in my training. I’ve noticed a difference in my body since I got back into Crossfit. No doubt I am definitely stronger. It’s a great feeling.

Much of it has to do with my solid week of eating and resting. On Saturday I went for a big shop at T&T Supermarket in the West Edmonton Mall. I’ve been craving miso soup and seaweed for weeks. I only spent $58 on my shop. A big jar of kimchi ($14) was the big ticket item. Seaweed, kelp, dulse, wakame or whatever you choose to call it is an awesome “superfood.” Don’t take my word aloe for it. Read this great breakdown. I am all for adding superfoods into my diet (especially those that do not put a drain on my wallet).

Week 10 in review: 
Monday: Crossfit
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Crossfit (morning) and 5K tempo (evening)
Thursday: Crossfit (morning) and 6x800m intervals (evening)

Friday: 6.5K hill repeats
Saturday: 3-hour walk
Sunday: 24K LSD

Calgary Marathon Training:

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16

What “superfoods” are a regular part of your diet? A couple weeks ago, I bought some Beet Root Juice from Bulk Barn. I haven’t drank it yet. I got the idea from Heather from Girl Goes Running. The Boston-marathoner says it’s her secret weapon. 


  1. Nice job on the workouts last week! I can't say I've tried any super foods…maybe I should get on that!

    1. Not even chia seeds? Not sure if any of the super foods make a difference or it's just a marketing ploy.

  2. Chia seeds and spirulina are regulars in my diet. I have chia in oatmeal and spirulina powder in smoothies : ) I read an article on beet juice the other day and I know a couple of people that swear by it!

  3. I eat algae bits regularly! ENERGYbits. And I love chia. I think the beet root juice would be good. Maybe try it in a smoothie to start.

  4. I use chia seeds and I recently tried beet root juice as well heather also suggested I try. Not a huge fan of the taste but going to give it a whirl and see if I notice a difference 🙂

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