I’m sick and it’s your fault

I feel like crap. Someone on Facebook or Twitter is likely to blame. I woke up on Tuesday with a sore and swollen throat. I coughed my way through the day. At one point, I was interviewing someone on the phone and I had to put her on hold while I finished my coughing fit. That’s professional, right?
I skipped my tutoring session and my run last night. My body craved rest. I went straight to bed after work and a bowl of hot soup. It felt good to read and rest my head.
Now it’s Wednesday morning and I just finished a Crossfit WOD. I really had no choice to workout because I am in three times a week for three months challenge. I coughed my way through eight minutes of burpees and pulls and 12 minutes of squat cleans. Hearing your cough echo through the entire box is really fun. 
I work at 11 a.m. I don’t want to take a sick day. Plus I don’t want to miss an opportunity to annoy my coworkers. Ha ha.

Cross your fingers this cold doesn’t last long. It’s supposed to be nice this weekend and I am counting on it to get in some solid training. I will skip my run again tonight. My cough seemed to worsen this morning with every burpee. Better to be safe than sorry is my motto! I don’t get sick often so I hope this passes quickly! 
Do you run when you’re sick? Have you been sick this winter?


  1. Oh no! Being sick is the worst, I really hope you start to feel better soon and can get back to your training! Take it easy and you are right, better to be safe than sorry!

  2. Good to hear you are cancelling your run with that cough getting worse. Take care and rest up.

  3. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather. Try some oil of oregano, it tastes horrible but works wonders! You are a mean coworker… I would be giving you the evil eye and applying copious amounts of hand sanitizer for sure, lol. I try to cut out workouts when I'm sick. I find stressing my immune system doesn't help fight a cold but I've also been known to race when I'm sick depending on how important it is. Feel better soon!

  4. Hooo boy have I been sick this winter!
    I hope it clears up soon for you! As much as I hate to skip runs when I'm sick, I totally will. Rest is best, or something like that πŸ™‚

  5. Good for you for listening to your bod. And feel better! πŸ™‚ I catch every bug around being a grade 1/2 teacher. I get coughed/sneezed on a good 3-4 times a week. Good times.

  6. It seems like we have been passing the same cold around to onea nother in this house all winter. Rest up, feel better and grab a big bowl of hot and sour soup!

  7. Sorry you are feeling crummy Crystal. There is something nasty going around. Everyone at our house has been knocked out for two days. Hopefully the rest will help you recover faster.

  8. Thanks everyone! I feel much better. Bound to happen sometime. I am just thankful that it was short lived!

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