Evening WOD: walking lunges suck

I did not make it to my early CrossFit class. I decided to go to the 5 p.m. class. I was nervous about going to a different class especially the night ones because I thought that’s when all the hardcore Crossfitters work out. Fortunately this is not the case. I didn’t feel like a complete idiot when I showed up. There were a few people I knew too.

Dave was teaching the other class so we had another instructor. That’s a nice change. I see his face way too often. There were about 7 of us. A little bigger than the average morning class but not too big. We did a group warm up before we hit the deadlifts.

Our strength called for 5 rounds of 4 reps of 75 % of our 1 RM. Not too bad. I don’t mind the deadlift. My only problem is keeping my knees from folding in when I lift. I really concentrated tonight. I even switched up my grip to help my performance. Not too shabby.

Now the WOD was something else. Ugh. The barbell walking lunges were tough. Because we were short on space, we stood and did alternating lunges in one place. I used the prescribed 35 pound barbell for women. This was tough. My legs were screaming by the fifth round. The dips and the shuttle run were fine. I was sweating by the end of the WOD. Good sign I worked hard. I am happy. Now I get to do it all over again (well a WOD) in less than 12 hours. 

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