
Navigating support and skepticism in the trail community

When I told a running pal that I was running the 100-mile at Sinister 7 in July, they immediately remarked, “You know you have to run.”

I was a bit taken back. Obviously I have to run. It’s a trail race. Was she implying that I don’t run? Her remark immediately brought up my own insecurities. I am already feeling behind the eight ball recovering from a broken ankle and running less in 2023 because I focused on summiting mountain peaks as opposed to clocking kilometres.

And just recently another running pal gave me some unsolicited training advice geared for someone new to trail running.

I’d like to say that I am completely evolved and not bothered by seemingly careless comments like those but I am only human. The comments do linger especially when I am having a bad day or week.

It’s interesting. I find in the running community (and quite frankly in life) there are aways two types of runners – there are the cheerleaders, who encourage, support and give you the rah rah when you need it. Then there’s the opposite – the gloomleader (?) whose default reaction is to find something negative or discouraging to say.

Generally speaking everyone who I have told that I am running the 100-mile has been overly encouraging and supportive. Yet here I am fixating on two comments because it is human nature to care what people think, isn’t it?

In today’s run at Moose Mountain Road, connecting with fellow runners allowed me to appreciate the camaraderie and excitement surrounding everyone’s plans for the 2024 season. In the end, the running community remains a diverse mix, offering both challenges and uplifting moments as we pursue our individual goals.

How do you deal with skepticism in the trail community? Do the people in your life support your running goals? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.


  1. My introduction to the trail community was meeting you and I’m so lucky for that- I literally ran my first (& only) 100km race because of your support 🩷

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