
Running with a grateful heart

I started writing in a gratitude journal on January 1. On a whim I picked up the no-nonsense grateful journal at the dollar store in December. I had been thinking about the new year ahead, and I decided this would be a positive daily practice.

Now every day I write down three things that I am grateful for that day. At first it was all the big things in life – clean, drinkable water, a home and a job. After exhausting the obvious, I started noticing and appreciating the smaller moments of joy and happiness throughout the day. It would be things like the blue skies after a countless cloudy days or catching up with a friend.

Usually I write in my gratitude journal just before I go to bed. This allows me to shift my focus to the positive aspects of the day before nodding off to sleep.

Mindful running

I am trying to be more mindful and present on my runs. Often I just tune out to get in the distance or the time by listening to a podcast or a playlist. It’s easy to ignore your surroundings when you are tuned into something else.

A few times this winter my earbuds died because it was too cold for them. I was forced to listen to my breathing, the crunch of my spikes on the packed snow and the other sounds on Nose Hill. It was surprisingly relaxing and energetic at the same time.

I am grateful that I am able to run in beautiful places in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Sometimes I just get used to the status quo and forget about how lucky I am in Calgary – a short drive to some of the beautiful places in the world. I never imagined as a young child in rural Nova Scotia that I would live so close to the mountains.

Grateful for my body

I admit on days when I curse my recurring hamstring injury, I have to dig deep to find something positive. But I only have to look at the big picture and to appreciate how far I have come since I started running. I have run many kilometres, climbed many mountains and I am still going.

Despite some of the physical setbacks, I am grateful that I can continue to do the things I love. My goal is to be a lifelong runner and adventurer, cherishing the ability to actively participate in life.

With each run, I am reminded of the power of gratitude to transform not only my run but my entire outlook on life.

Do you write in a gratitude journal? Has it helped improve your outlook on life? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the positivity.
    Just starting our trek to NZ. Will be a long day and night. Just checked in and already our first flight has been delayed. Any surprise..Air Canada. Going with the flow.

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