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My January recap

I had a pretty good January.

I made a conscious effort to focus on strength, mobility and mental well being. I took a step back from running. If you look at my Strava, you will see how little I ran. Last year was busy so I really needed to reset and focus on other areas of my life.

I’m still going strong with my daily yoga. I usually do it first thing in the morning before work or on a mid-morning break and in the evenings. It’s become something that I look forward to every day. I can really feel a difference in my poses. Who knew that consistency pays off?

My mobility and core game has been strong too. I’m at that point in life where I truly have to use it or I will lose it. I focus mostly on my hips and shoulders because those are the areas that are mostly tight and restricted. I bought this weird balance mat for strength and mobility work. I haven’t used it a lot yet but I plan to do more in February. It’s particularly good for core and stabilizing muscles.


It’s only been a month give or take a couple weeks but I am already feeling stronger in my core. I do core-specific training every other day. At first I was doing it every day but I knew I couldn’t keep it up with everything else I am doing.

Strength training has once again become my latest obsession. Because I have a home gym, I can train anytime I want so it’s very easy to lift every single day. I am always scrolling and looking for new programs. But I know it’s the basics that will get me where I want to be – ripped.

And by ripped, I mean showing some visible signs of muscle somewhere on my body (mainly shoulders and arms). I started focusing on adding more protein to my diet. I feel much better since I started eating more food. Sadly I admit I under eat for someone who is so active. It’s been work but I re-discovered some old recipes and began to consciously track what I fuel my body with.

January was also a month of reflection for me. I took a little step back from social media and focused on my mental well being. I wrote in my gratitude journal and reflected on what I want to do before it’s too late.

I think that’s why January is always seen as a month of new beginnings and time to hit reset.

How was your January? Did you set any New Year Resolutions? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.


  1. Your version of ‘taking a step back from running’ just sounds like you are prepping your body for a summer of more running than ever before lol. You motivated me to get back into yoga and oh my lord, does my body ever appreciate it!

    1. Author

      I always chill in December and January. My poor body needs the rest 🙂 Glad you are back to yoga!
      Crystal recently posted…My January recapMy Profile

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