In My Veg Kitchen: Simple, Super Easy Date Syrup

When I think dates, I think “date squares.” My memory is hazy but I think my mother or grandmother used to make date squares for us when we were children.  

That’s about as familiar I am with using dates in cooking/baking. I started using dates in my smoothies (instead of agave) for the sweetness. (Once I made raw peanut butter cookies using dates and they were amazing. If I enjoyed baking I would definitely make them as part of my usual rotation.) Dates are high in natural sugar so why not use them as opposed to refined gunk?

ANYWAY … I was staring down a container of dates thinking … what should I do with these beauties? I looked in the freezer… yes! I had frozen bananas. Time for “nice cream.” It’s been a long time since I made date sauce or syrup (whatever you call it). It’s so easy to make that I don’t know why I don’t make it more often. 

Nice cream featuring date syrup and cacao nibs. Best thing ever.

Think soft, chewy and caramel-like. YUM!  This syrup is so addictive and so tasty. Last week I brought some into work for my coworkers. One said it was too sweet for her. I agreed that it was on the sweet side so the next time I made it I added more water and lemon to reduce the sweetness. I find if you mix it with frozen bananas or other fruit it is just right. It’s also not bad as a dip for apples. 

Medjool Dates are supposedly the best dates EVER. I find them too expensive so I generally buy Degelet Nour, which are pretty much the same thing but smaller and cheaper. (Yes I know they are not the same thing but you know what I mean.) 

Why you should eat dates:

  1. Packed with nutrients. They are high in fiber and antioxidants. Most people are worried about protein intake when they should be more concerned about getting enough fiber. 
  2. Excellent natural sweetener. Time to ditch the gross refined white sugar. 


Simple, Super Easy Date Syrup
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  1. 1 cup dates
  2. 1/3 cup water
  3. 1 tablespoon vanilla
  4. 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  1. Throw all your ingredients in your high speed blender
  2. Blend away until smooth
  3. Add more or less water depending on how thick you want the sauce/syrup
  1. This can be very sweet so you can add more lemon to reduce the sweetness. For an added kick, you can add some hot pepper flakes.
Running with Rhyno

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