Let's talk February

See ya later, January!

This month I set out to get back into the run and crossfit of things. I wanted to set the stage for my intense training that starts in another week. (Can’t wait!) I didn’t run as much as I would have liked but I did put down some solid tracks. I didn’t track my mileage because I simply wanted to enjoy my runs without stressing over the distance. There will be plenty of time for stressing in the days, weeks, months leading up to my next marathon.

My body is still crying from this week’s WODs so you know I have gone all in with Crossfit. As well I held a plank for two-minutes for 20 days in January. (I fell off the wagon when I went back to crossfit)

Missions accomplished!

In February I am getting serious about marathon training. Cross your fingers, we get more weather like this. Either way, I cannot wuss out. I have a marathon to get ready for! I hear the treadmill and rinks calling my name already. The Calgary Marathon is only 119 days away! I have to get moving. 

I am using the Run Less, Run Faster training plan. I technically start the week of February 9. I work that weekend so I may do my long run the week before so I don’t screw things up at the get go. I tend to get right anxious when I have to work on the weekend and try to get a long run in. Once I get started, I will give you a more detailed look into the plan. It’s not complicated. Run 3 days a week and crosstrain 2 other days. Crossfit doesn’t count as “crosstraining” so I am ignoring this bit of training advice.
On the life side, I wanted to reduce my mindless spending. I am really proud that I only bought coffee once the entire month. I either made coffee at home or drank the weak office coffee. I paid closer attention to what I was purchasing and I only shopped when I absolutely needed something like bananas! 
So far, so good 2014. 
Big goals for February? How was your January?


  1. Great job on your goals! I am trying to be mindful of 'sticking to the plan.' I tend to veer off track and run numerous 'junk' miles when I feel like it, lol. This month I'm focusing on running stronger at the planned distances and incorporating strength. 🙂

    1. That's what I struggle with – sticking to the plan! I am very excited about this plan though.

  2. Great job on the spending….I do the exact same thing. I do have a Keurig at work that helps me in that department. I'm the worse at buying sweets….I know I don't need them…but darn it…they call my name!!!!

  3. Nice job! especially on the planking! That was one of my goals for Jan. I'm going to have to write a month-in-review post tonight!
    Looking forward to following along on your marathon training!

    1. Thanks! We should do a plank off 🙂 I'll be following your planking progress 🙂

  4. I love the run 3X a week, cross train twice a week training plan. I could never run 5X a week and ignore cross training.

    1. Yeah it blows my mind that some people only run. I used to be that person 🙂 Now I am hooked on a balanced week.

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