Into the Mobility of things

Oh mobility class how I love you so. Back to Crossfit also means back to the mobility of things. I was very happy to learn that these classes count in my three-month challenge. I used to call the classes “Amy’s torture chamber!” No change here. I am wishing all the best to Amy who teaches her last classes this week. She’s heading off to Australia for a year long adventure! She was a great coach and person!

This week we were treated to a knee & ankle clinic. If you’re a runner, you could probably use a little work in this area. I don’t have sore legs but you easily crack a walnut on my calves. They are that tight!

I was the last one to arrive at the 6 a.m. class. I can never seem to get moving fast enough in the morning. Fortunately I didn’t have to do burpees or anything to make up for my tardiness. Kelly was there and about 8 other people. 

As always we started with a test. Last week we used our squat the measuring stick. This week we did (or attempted in my case) the pistol. That’s a one-legged squat for those of you not well-versed in the crossfit world. I knew I needed work in this area before I started! Ugh. 
Quickly after we got intimate with the single and double lacrosse ball. We worked our calves, Achilles, knees and the front of our legs. Ouch. Ouch Ouch. Mobility guru Kelly Starrett preaches that every one should be able to perform basic maintenance on himself. He advises people to do mobility exercises to improve range of motion. I needed this kick in the pants to remind myself that I MUST make better use of my lacrosse balls and traveller roller. 

We finished with a re-test of our pistol. We could all see the difference. (I mean I still suck but there was a difference). Great way to start my Wednesday – thinking about the mechanics of my body. As I get back into crossfit & into the thick of marathon training, I can’t lose sight of this.  

Have you taken a taken a mobility class? What kind of “tough love” exercises do you perform on yourself? 


  1. I've arranged for a yoga session for our running group on Sunday and I'm hoping they will show us some poses that we can do that will help increase mobility and flexibility in our bodies as we train and run. đŸ™‚

  2. I've never taken a class like that but really should! I am terrible at stretching and rolling out. And pistols suck. My most hated movement

  3. I have never taken a mobility class, but I have recently started using a pressure point stick to run over my IT band, my Achilles, and my hamstrings. It hurts so good and sometimes leaves me bruised if there are a lot of knots!

  4. Great post!

    These type of classes sound intriguing! I also feel that mid-cycle marathon training can totally blur your focus of 'everything else!' LOL.

  5. Good for you for taking on these challenges! I'm so guilty of doing nothing but running. I am in dire need of core work at the very least.

  6. I have never taken a mobility class — I didn't even really know what they were until reading this. So not so much a workout as a way to stretch and roll out your muscles? I wonder if you can take them anywhere other than the crossfit box. I'm intrigued!

  7. I've never even heard of a mobility class but it sounds like something I need! I did get a massage last week though and was shocked at how tight my shins are!

    1. You should google mobility & kelly starrett. Might be something you'd be interested in. Good stuff.

  8. Argh, Blogger ate my comment!

    I didn't know mobility classes existed until I read your post, now I'm intrigued. My "tough love" exercise would have to be runner's yoga. I have a bad habit of not stretching my hips enough after a run and it ends up causing issues with my hamstrings. I have a love/hate relationship with it.

    1. Classes are awesome! A lot of the stuff you can do at home with lacrosse balls, a rolling pin etc

  9. So what exactly do you do with the lacrosse balls? This totally sounds like something I need. Is it only offered in conjunction with cross fit do you know?

    1. You know the rollers? Lacrosse balls are more localized on muscles. Google lacrosse balls or mobility or Kelly Starrett. Lots of good stuff.

  10. I've been doing yoga to help with flexibility and mobility. I'd prefer acupuncture to my IT band over foam rolling any day.

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