Camelback Mountain

Hiking ranks very high on my favorite things to do EVER. As I mentioned earlier this week, I was super excited to get in some trail running/hiking while I was in Arizona. I was short on time so the trail running will have to happen another time.

I convinced Audrey & Doug to go on another hike on Thursday. I didn’t have to do too much arm twisting. They were up for a short hike.

We drove out to the very popular Camelback Mountain. The name comes from its shape – the hump and head of a kneeling camel. The summit is 2,704 feet above sea level.  Locals, dogs and tourists crowded the trail. Colour me jealous. Wouldn’t it be great to have this mountain in your backyard? Awesome for training. We actually saw some young guys running up and down. 
One side of the trail was closed so we were forced to go up the easy/moderate trail. We still had to be quick on our feet and strong in our core as we climbed the rock to the summit. I loved every single minute of it. For some people it was more challenging because they weren’t expecting the climb. I am an experienced hiker so I have a lot of tricks in my hydration vest. 

And look what was at the top! A Christmas tree! That was a wonderful surprise! Our only regret was that we did not bring an ornament or piece of paper to add the tree. The local man (far left) said a group of runners brought the tree up last week. Once again I was the official photographer.


I could have spent all day on top of the mountain. The view was well worth the climb. We chatted with a lot of locals and other tourists who wanted to take in the view. I loved being out in the fresh air. I had my fill of shopping and outlet malls.

Perfect end to my week in Arizona. I want to go back for a proper hiking trip soon.


  1. Savour the warmth, there was a -30 windchill in AB today 🙂

  2. What a beautiful place to hike and I love that runner's brought a Christmas Tree up to the top!

    Welcome home to Canada, put your toque on and grab a Timmie's … it's FREEZING here.

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