Breaking up with my Crossfit box

Break ups are never easy. One person always takes it harder than the other. Last month I did not renew my crossfit membership. I had stopped going nearly two months ago.

As break ups go, it was pretty clean. Most crossfit gyms boast community and this one did to some degree especially (if you were one of the “elite” athletes). With that being said, it’s always sad to say goodbye. I miss crossfit. In the last year, I learned to push beyond my (perceived) limits and I am stronger for it in many ways!  (Still no dice on the unassisted pull up yet)

There were two reasons for our break up:

1. Scheduling 

I was losing money because I could not make enough classes. Crossfit is not cheap. I went to the 6 a.m. classes before my 9 a.m. start at the office. It was the only consistent time that worked. Every other week, I was on the late shift so getting up for 6 a.m. did not work. I tried it a few times but I was half asleep and sloppy – something that is not recommended for when you are doing Olympic lifts! There were no morning WODS in the schedule after 8 a.m. so that didn’t help either. I had asked about free gym time. The only time that was offered was during the evening OnRamp classes. Again it did not work for me.

2. Coaching 

Don’t get me wrong, there are fantastic coaches at the box.  I don’t want to bash the particular coach. I will just say her coaching style and personality put me off. I began dreading going to the 6 a.m. classes which is never a good way to start your day!

So now what? Good question. My membership ended a couple weeks ago but I stopped going more than a month back. There’s another crossfit gym in the city that I want to check out. It’s actually cheaper & there’s more classses in the schedule. One of the owners is a former MMA fighter and really knows his stuff. I am invested in continuing with crossfit. I loved it. I even shelled out a lot of cash for Oly lifters!

But I am not going to make any decisions until January. I am just coming down after tight work deadlines and such and training for next week’s marathon. I’d also like to save some $$. I hate throwing money out the window.

For now I will continue doing strength training at home. I mean that’s what people did before gyms, right?

Do you have any recommended websites or at home WODS? What do you look for in a gym?


  1. Break ups suck. I know you are missed there. I kind of also broke up with Crossfit but not by choice. I just can't make it work now that Liam's dad is gone during the week and I have no one to watch him. For at home WODs I just found this website that has 22 pages of body weight WODs. There's only so many you can do before they get repetitive but it's a good resource,_v1.5.pdf

    I also have the myWOD app on my phone that has some Road WODs. I still check out the WOD schedule to see if I can scale any to do at home too. Lots of resources out there. I also just heard about an Obstacle Training app that has workouts to help with obstacle racing that I'm going to check out.

  2. Thanks Becky for the link! That's awesome. It sucks working out at home. But you gotta do what ya gotta do! 🙂

  3. Hi! I go to the 2nd box you refer to and love it. Noon class is my favorite. I did talk to Becky about some of the differences between the 2 boxes. They focus less on the Strength portion of the typical crossfit workout and instead follow a "Warm Up, Demonstrate, WOD" format. They do offer special strength classes, as well as provide time before and after the classes to work on strength. They also have Open Gym times for that too. I have always felt accepted and welcomed there and I am in no way the strongest or fittest gal out there, but the people are really friendly 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for commenting. Sorry I haven't responded until now. I didn't realize I didn't! Thanks for your input. I think it's fun to shake things up too!

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