Trying to create a new habit

One of this week’s goals is to run and workout before my 9 a.m. start time at the paper. It’s been warm and muggy lately in the evenings. I want to be able to get my runs in when I start my marathon training next week. As well, I want to try the morning CrossFit classes and go three times a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Talk about #epicfail. I know it’s only Day 2 and there’s still three days left to go this week. But I am failing miserably. I don’t know how people get up so early and are still able to function throughout the rest of the day.

Seriously I’ve set my alarm for 5:30 a.m. on both Monday and today. I’ve also hit the snooze repeatedly for an hour. As a result, I am a groggy mess all day. I can barely keep my eyes open.

I’ve even tried to go to bed before midnight. It’s worked. I’ve hit the hay at 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Sunday and Monday night respectively.

Drinking more coffee doesn’t help. I need to stay hydrated for my workout after work. Tomorrow I am determined to beat the clock. Carleigh suggested I put my alarm in the next room so I won’t be able to hit snooze unless I get out of bed. What a great idea!

Do you have any other suggestions?


  1. Good luck. I tried getting up before work to get cardio in for so many months but I just ended up doing the same thing and hitting snooze over and over. I had multiple alarms set and everything and I just couldn't ever bring myself out of bed. I eventually just gave up.

  2. Go to sleep earlier! If I'm not in bed before 10:30 pm, there is no way in hell I can drag my ass out at 5:30 in the morning! I aim for a 9:30 bedtime when I plan to work out the next morning.

  3. I've tried in the past too. I eventually gave up. But this morning, it worked! Actually my alarm didn't go off. I woke up at 5:45 a.m. just enough time to get dressed and drive to the CrossFit gym. Felt great! Tiff, going to bed early is my biggest challenge. One of my summer goals is to shut off the TV at 8:30/9 p.m. the latest. I think this will help!

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