15 Things Nobody Tells You About Running

1) Non-runners will tell you how much they HATE running because of X,Y,Z. Blah. Blah. Blah.
2) Running is a pricey hobby. People lie when they say you only need a pair of shoes. LIARS. The more you get into the run of things, the more you WILL spend. All season running garb. Garmin. Heart Rate Monitor. Race Fees. It all adds up.
3) A big part of running is in your head. It’s a mental game.
4) Walk breaks or moments happen. You’re not CHEATING. Walk to drink water, get your breath, hide the body, whatever.
5) You will have ugly, ugly feet. Calluses. Missing toenails. Blisters. Yup. All three & more.
6) Rockstar moments do not happen every time you lace up your sneakers. You will fail.
7) Your non-running friends & family’s eyes will glaze over when you start recounting your training plan, your eating plan and your racing season. Nobody cares that much.
8) Listening to your body play a big role in injury prevention.
9) More is not necessarily better.
10) Chafing will happen along the bra line or other awkward spots. Leaves a gross mark that stings in the shower.
11) Some runners can be annoying. They will want to share their complete race and injury history & their pace times.
12) You will constantly correct people who call you a “jogger” as opposed to a “runner.”
13) Bodily functions  – when and where you go Number 1 or Number 2 – will suddenly be immensely important.
14) Nobody looks pretty when they run.
15) Running shoes will need their own place in your closet. (See #2)


  1. Hey Cystal,

    Well, I must admit I did giggle a little at the “chafing” and “not looking pretty”, and it is so true.

    However, I think what really caught my eye was that “a big part of running is in the head”, and this is true of every form of exercise.

    I’ve managed to train myself (not very well, still a work in progress) over the years to realise this.

    I believe it was David Goggins who once said that when it comes to physicaly activity and you think you’re done, you’re actually only about 40% done.

    Obviously, this is slightly different with an activity like lifting weights, I mean if you’re going to injure yourself if you’re struggling with a set of squats and then decide to increase the weight by 60%.

    However, I know from personal experience this is very much the case for an activity such as running.

    Of course, I would never suggest that anyone pushes themselves too hard, but we’ve definitely all got a fair amount left in the tank when we’re close to giving up.

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  2. Well said. But the following is also necessary I think.
    Appropriate Footwear: Wearing the right shoes for your foot type and running style is crucial for comfort and injury prevention. Getting fitted for running shoes at a specialty running store can help you find the best shoes for your needs. Replace your shoes regularly to ensure proper cushioning and support.

    Warm-Up and Cool Down: Always start your run with a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for the activity. This can include dynamic stretches or a short jog. After your run, be sure to cool down with some static stretching to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.

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