100 mile race

Putting my first 100-mile race on hold

Here’s my big news.

I am deferring my Sinister 100 mile race until 2025. I just can’t think the race right now. I don’t have enough bandwidth and head space to focus on training.

I emailed the race organizers to defer the race to next year. Putting the race off until 2025 is the best decision for me right now. In the big scheme of things, deferring my first 100 mile race is just a small bump in the road. There will always be more 100 mile races.

I will be in Nova Scotia for a few weeks in July so I will not be around for the race. I’m a little bummed about the race but that’s just the way life goes sometimes.

Meanwhile I am diving back intoo running, rucking, strength training and hiking. I had a great day out in Banff on Saturday. Sleep quality is still an issue, but I’m optimistic that it will improve over time. Grief is both physical and emotional.

My goal now is to run Lost Soul 100K in September. It’s always been on my list for this year. Now it will have my full training attention. I will begin posting regular training updates.

I am excited to run the newish race course. (Not being able to roll out of bed to the start will be a bummer.) I will have to study the new course before September. I’ve run the race so many times now I probably could run most of it with my eyes closed.

Above all, I’m hoping for clear skies on race day—fingers crossed it doesn’t rain.

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