February on Lady MacDonald

It’s February. Build that base.

Years ago I started running with a small, tight-knit group of people who all shared the new enthusiasm for running. Together we experienced a lot of running firsts. First medals. A new distance. A PR.

We met weekly for long runs and post-run coffees. We supported one another by showing up for races as a cheerleader or drawing our butts out of bed on a cold, snowy morning because someone had to get in that long run for an upcoming race.

Those were the days. Everything was fresh and shiny!

Many of my old crew are still running while others have stopped completely. Just recently I connected with a couple of friends from the early days. One friend remarked quite frankly, “I still can’t believe you are still running. It’s so hard on your knees and joints.”

(Yes she’s one of the few that has stopped running for one reason or another.)

Comments like that used to annoy me. Now I take the opportunity to explain that kind of thinking is a load of crap rooted in exaggeration. I also share the things I do to ensure I remain relatively injury free. Mainly a positive mindset can go along way.

February on Lady MacDonald

All that said it’s February! Time to step up the training. To kick off the new year, I regrouped and continued rebuilding my foundation. I focused on strength and threw in a few new crosstraining activities. Namely splashing around the pool like a duck out of water and getting massive rope burns as I jumped rope.

It turns out I have a big year ahead of races and adventures. I can’t wait. Based on past experience, I have to listen to the moans and groans of my body before it completely revolts. Although I have only been going to the gym since December, I feel like my hard work is starting to pay off. I am able to test my pace a little more for short distances and I am not sure for days after a hard climb. I call that success with a capital S!

All the strength training and mobility work takes time. But I know in the long run it will make me a better runner and person, quite frankly. Right now I am still trying to figure out how to fit it all in my training schedule.

February in Kananaskis

Despite some stressful days at work, the first couple weeks of February have been good to me. I feel like there has been a shift and the dark shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic is finally lifting from reality. If one thing this pandemic (and the uncertainty) has taught me is there is no time like now to do the things you want to do before it’s too late.

Being in the mountains much more lately has completely fed my soul and renewed my love of fresh air and the outdoors. I’ve also reconnected with some running pals, sharing some kilometres and laughter. Another thing this pandemic has highlighted for me is the importance of human contact and social interaction. Generally I am a solo runner but I have been craving company on my runs this year. One of my goals in 2022 is run more socially.

How is your training going? Have you filled out your race calendar for the year? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.


  1. The mountains are beautiful. I sit at home and dream myself out there!

    I’m slowly getting back to running twice a week after a bit more than 6 months off due to an old football injury. I’ve always been strength training next to my running. But the addition of flexibility and mobility training did wonders for me. I can only recommend that to anyone having some issues with their body.

    I hope you get to run more socially this year. As someone who usually prefers to work out alone, having someone to share the experience with makes it a bit more special.
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    1. Author

      Thanks so much for stopping by. I have been doing a lot of mobility lately too. And I feel fantastic! I hope you’re enjoying your twice weekly runs! Welcome back!
      Crystal recently posted…Running – for the love of itMy Profile

  2. 5 stars
    If things start falling apart, you need to pick and create something else and then move forward. That sounds simple. But what does this really mean (in a long run) when we feel like nothing has changed? It’s hard to put words to the following feelings, but let’s assume it will come naturally to us — feeling like you are lost. Not knowing where to go from where. To change that mindset (of looking at life as not falling apart, feeling on safe rails), you have to build your own base. And in order for all those new things and processes to feel safe in our minds, our own foundations, etc you need to be able to think through some of them already. If you are just starting out working from home and maybe haven’t set up any routines yet (be it daily), build in some routines here and there. You can do laundry, do groceries or whatever feels natural today, it doesn’t need to cover your whole calendar and every single thing in it. Be smart enough to know if it should have been planned first (like putting things in the dishwasher or making my bed). This way your mind is free enough and it…
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