Where have all the bloggers gone?

Is blogging dead? There was a time when everyone was blogging about everything under the sun from honest (ha) product reviews to what I ate in a day. Now it seems blogging has completely fallen off and Instagram or Youtube have taken up the space.

Wendy over at Taking The Long Way Home wrote addressed this issue today on her blog. It gave me weight to what I have been thinking over the last few weeks. Contributions to Canuck Running Bloggers monthly link ups have significantly dropped in recent months. So much to the point, I thought about deleting the group. But I think there’s still value there because our membership has stayed the course. So I ask you where are all the bloggers?

I have been blogging for 15 years. I started in South Korea while I was teaching (and I didn’t even have a computer). The first couple of years were pretty basic and unfiltered – random whining about teaching, learning Korean and Spanish and practicing taekwondo. Eventually I bought a laptop and I was able to post photos of my travels.

My blog continued with no clear direction when I returned to Ottawa. It wasn’t until I moved and took up running in Grande Prairie in 2009 that I focused on running and plant-based eating. It also helped that I wrote a biweekly running column for the newspaper. I had a great bunch of loyal readers.

This was my first blog post on October 29, 2004.

A few years ago, running blogging seemed to be having its heyday. Brand ambassador programs and calls for product reviews began popping up everywhere. Runners could apply to represent the company/product/race. I admit I was ambassador (Calgary Marathon, Sweat Pink and Nuun) for a year. At first it was quite fun, especially for the marathon. I got to meet a bunch of great people and attend a swaggy event.

I think ambassador programs for races are great because you are generally doing it for a good cause not a company’s bottom line. I just don’t like being a running billboard for any product. Bloggers generally have to write an “honest” review of the product as part of the program. I am not seeing a lot of these posts lately either. Maybe I am reading the wrong blogs?

Is it Instagram’s fault? Have bloggers stopped blogging in order to enjoy the hassle free photo-sharing app? Instagram used to be just about photos. Now everyone is writing long paragraphs about everything from how they are feeling to what they ate for breakfast. It’s visual, social and super easy to use. I’m a huge fan of the stories on Instagram. There’s no need to head to computer to finish up a blog post. Often I will start a post on my WordPress app on my iPhone only to finish the blog on my Macbook Pro. Is microblogging the new black?

I have fallen off blogging in the last couple of years. Mainly because it was a time-management issue. I get it. People are busy. Priorities change. Interests evolve. Life goes on. But in my 15th year of blogging – 2019 – I cranking up the volume on my blog.

I am slowly adding new features especially plant-based recipes (due to popular demand), reducing my carbon footprint, video and much more. My blog will continue to focus on my life as a treehugging, plant-based trail runner.

Thank you to all my long-time readers and those who have just started following. I appreciate your support. I love reading your comments (especially those that point out my typos).

Are you a blogger? Have you changed your blogging in recent years? I would love to hear from you.


  1. I remember when I first started running—all I wanted to do was talk about it. I knew I was an older runner and thought that older runners might be interested. Now, I find I’m doing way less running and a lot more hiking so that’s what I write about but the amazing amount of passion I had for running had dwindled, so a lot less blogging going on. Was actually thinking of changing the name of the blog to “Haggard Hat Hiker” lol

    1. Author

      I think you’re on to something. I think people get excited when they start something new.

  2. I think it depends on why you’re doing it. I’ve always felt the need to note stuff, I had a ton of little books from vacations and a bunch of race reports on word docs. Now I like having it all online in one place. There’s definitely more stuff being added other than running though 🙂 If it feels like work with product reviews, ambassadorships, pressure to have good stats etc. I wonder if that’s why a few bloggers have dropped off?
    Susan recently posted…A New ChallengeMy Profile

  3. I used to love blogging and reading blogs but I just don’t make time for it all lately. I’m okay with where I’m at with my blog. I’m not really running so I’m not blogging about it. I’m trying to do better about reading them but also enjoying curling up with a book rather then my face in my phone.
    Besides running blogs, I love finding new recipes to make for my family on blogs.

  4. I’d love to read more about reducing your carbon footprint. Like you said, it’s normal for bloggers to evolve! And that’s also a topic that more and more people are interested in (fortunately) 🙂
    Alex recently posted…Rock Climbing Techniques: MantlingMy Profile

  5. I for one am glad you’re going to keep blogging. I might not always comment but I do read! I’ve always enjoyed your running adventures. One benefit of fewer blogs is that it’s easier to keep up. Silver lining, right?

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