Prairie Mountain

Run more, complain less

Prairie Mountain

Isn’t Mother Nature glorious? (See above photo.) My long weekend in the mountains involved books, beer and long runs. It was just what I needed to clear the cobwebs from my work brain. 

My training took a great turn this week. Think no pain, lots of gain. I was talking to Audrey the other day about how I feel like I am starting at square one again with my running. But I am keeping my spirits up as I am back into the consistent run of things. It feels good to be on a schedule and to notice my weekly progress. 

jump prairie mountain

It helps that I have some big running goals this year. I am so nervous about the races and I think that’s a good thing. If your goal doesn’t scare you, it’s not big enough. I held steady with another 60-kilometre week. My runs are still painfully slow but they are coming along. 

This week I am starting to run in the mornings before work. Since I stopped going to crossfit,  I have gotten used to sleeping in. So this will be a struggle for me to get my lazy butt out of bed. I have to do it in order to make it to yoga in the evenings. I don’t like when I miss more than a few days between classes. 

I didn’t make it to the yoga mat enough last week. I could feel it today. Funny how your body craves the hot room. My goal is to make it to at least three (ideally four) classes of yoga on top of my runs. I feel really good when I hit the mat four times but it takes away from my running. I have to stay focused on the running and listen to what my body tells me. 

Right now it’s telling me to enjoy this glorious weather and simply run. (It’s also telling me that I need to work on my jump shots.)


  1. Once again, amazing pics! Your jumping is fine, btw!

      1. From a male perspective, I can offer up only two tips about splits: 1. don’t 2. banana.

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