Running Year in Review: 2014

I started 2014 with a big goal to run a sub-4 hour marathon. (My PR is 4 hours).

But by the end of 2014, I had sworn off marathons and shifted my focus to trail running and ultras. Early in the year it hit me – I should be on a mountain or on a dirt trail in the middle of a forest. Running on pavement was simply not doing it for me. I didn’t care about paces or splits or any of that noise.

Deep down it was something I always knew. I embrace Mother Nature in all aspects of my life. I love the outdoors. I love trees. I love trail. I love mountains. I love water. Put them all together and …. it’s a no brainer.

Last year I made a gradual shift to trail running from road running. Taking a step back from the crowded “racing scence,” I signed up for only six races. (Five of those six were on trail.) Overall I am pretty happy with the endurance and strength that I developed over the last 12 months. I met some great runners who offered some awesome advice and tips. (Amber you will always be my No.#1 coach).

A look back at my “races” in 2014. (Honestly I hate saying I am “racing” because quite frankly I am not really racing anyone else but myself.)

And the award for MY Worst Race goes to …..  the Calgary Marathon. My training suffered during the long, bleak and cold winter months. I skipped way too many training sessions. I went into the Calgary marathon feeling unprepared and unmotivated. I think I lost my mojo under some snowbank in January. However, I loved being an ambassador for the race. I met so many cool people.

I love Canmore and I loved Rundle’s Revenge. This race was a great icebreaker to the season.

I ran Moose Mountain hoping not to be the last finisher. (I remember standing at the starting line thinking “ugh I am out of my league here.) It’s an odd distance at 29K but it was a super cool race.  It was very foggy at the top so I didn’t see any views. I went back to Moose Mountain a couple of times to train and to see what was below. I would definitely do this race again.

Oh the famed Lost Soul Ultra  in Lethbridge. It was my second 50K (well actually it was 54K). It didn’t go as planned but I am so happy that I earned my title. I’ll be back in 2015. 

The Grizzly 50K  in Canmore was SO MUCH FUN. If it weren’t for the cost I would do this race again. When did races get so expensive? I had initially signed up for a two-person team but decided in the end to run solo. Best decision ever. Loved this course!

I signed up to do the Wolves XC 8K on the morning of the race. (It was a week or so after Grizzly). This short, speedy race nearly killed me. Thanks to Robert for literally pushing me up that last incline. It was nice to bump into some old friends in Grande Prairie.

While I did not shine at the majority of my races this year, I enjoyed where running took me. I ran in Red Deer, Calgary, Canmore, Bragg Creek, Lethbridge, Sylvan Lake, Stettler, Waterton National Park and Banff. (No out-of-province or country races in 2014)

I ran/scaled/hiked mountains and trails, and along the shores of lakes. I ran with old and new friends. I ran solo.

So far this year I have signed up for Blackfoot 50K, Sinister 7 (relay) and I am determined to slay that Lost Soul bitch in September. I have a few others that are maybes.

I can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store for me on the trail front.

How did 2014 treat you?


  1. Sounds like a great year on the trail! I should try a trail race one of these days!

    1. Thanks! Same here! I have been slacking lately on reading but I am back at it! Bring on 2015!

  2. I did a leg of the Grizzly in 2012, perhaps I should give trail another go.
    Thanks for getting me into a photo with Lanni!

  3. Glad you found what makes you happy. I might try out my first trail race this year.

  4. That's great that you found your passion. I would love to embrace the trails some more but I'm just not sure where to go or where to start.

    Sounds like you have a great list of races on your horizon. All the best in 2015!

  5. You've had a fantastic year! I would love to become a trail runner but it intimidates me. One thing I wonder is, 'do people get lost trail running?' This may seem like such a dumb question, lol.

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