New Year, New You: The Healthy Mind Edition

I’ve always believed a healthy mind is key to a healthy body. Lately I’ve been reading all these blog posts about creating new habits and turfing others in 2014. What I often find missing is the “brain” bit. I don’t see many people resolving to improve their brain power. I think they are missing out on this important bit.

Psychology Today is one of my favourite reads. And here’s a great article about brain power & the importance of improving its health. As I’m one who gets distracted very easily, I need to really focus on the task at hand. I imagine being pulled in all these directions is not good for your head. (Maybe that’s why I have trouble sleeping!) I am not getting younger and every time I catch an Alzheimer’s disease and dementia ad, it scares me.

So I try to make small changes that gives my brain that reboot & workout it desperately needs. I like to run without music to allow my senses to take over. I am failing miserably at the get enough sleep tip. But I am making headway (no pun intended) in challenging myself with technical books, a university course and managing my time better. I do not have the patience for Sudoku but I do enjoy the odd crossword puzzle.

We all know that some foods are better than others when it comes to properly feeding your brain. This image (above) from Healthy Way to Cook gives some great examples! Most of the food like spinach and garlic are already staples in my home!

How are you feeding your brain in 2014? 


  1. I am SO GLAD to see red wine on that list!! lol oh and all the other good stuff…of course

  2. Red wine and chocolate are top on my list! Did you notice that all of the foods that help with brain power are also all anti-cancer foods?

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