What's for lunch?

One of my goals this month is to bring my lunch to work EVERY SINGLE DAY. (I have to write in caps so my brain remembers this goal). I’ve been pretty good about this in the past. But sometimes I just need to get out of the office at lunch so I would walk to the food court and grab something. I need variety. 
I’ve decided to really, really prepare my lunches for the week. Yes I usually prep my greens & chop up my snacks but I do not make actual dishes or plan beyond the prep. Lame, right? 
Soooo on Sundays I will/try/attempt to develop a 5-day lunch menu and whip up two dishes for my work week. I want to make two hearty dishes that I can rotate during the week. Often I make one dish and by the third day I am sick of eating it. (Yes I probably should freeze it).

To kick things off I made a casserole and chickpea/tomato/veg dish today. I am really proud of myself. I have never made a casserole. My mother used to make tuna casserole when I was a kid. My dish did not turn out as well. I read a dozen recipes which confused me. Then I forgot to cover the casserole while it cooked. Ugh. It doesn’t taste horrible but it could use more spice & veg.   
Being smarter about what I’m eating becomes even more important as I delve back into Crossfit and train for my races. Plus I’m taking a course and doing more tutoring. Time will become more precious & I will have to manage it better. 
Brrrrr! I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you how cold it was today. My iPhone weather App declared it -46C with the windchill. I kid you not! Still I wasn’t going to let a little cold weather mess with my running plans. I met Yvonne around 3 p.m. I think it may have warmed up to -25C. We were both dressed the part. Great to have some company! 

This week I am working afternoons/nights. Running at night when it’s this cold is not fun. I’m looking forward to getting in some quality time on my feet and strength training.(Oh and I going to see Blue Rodeo on Thursday!)  I have a feeling it’s going to be a great week. 
How was your Sunday?


  1. -46! Yikes, you are either crazy or brave … I'm not sure which. 🙂 Meal planning for the week is definitely a good thing. Try freezing up a bunch of different things over the next few weeks for some variety. When i was working I did my best to bring my lunch to work with me but there were some days I just HAD to get out of the office for an hour. If the weather was good I would head outside and enjoy the sunshine while I ate but if the weather was yucky I seemed to end up heading to my favorite crepe place.

    1. Great idea for the freezing! It's actually quite fun coming up with new recipes! And there's so much support online. Love it 🙂

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