Sinister 7 training

Sinister 7 Training: Fears, focus, and first steps

I woke up the other morning with a start. I’d just had one of those dreams—the kind that sticks with you long after you’ve opened your eyes.

I saw myself stumbling toward the Sinister 7 finish line, looking every bit exhausted. The clock was ticking, and I was painfully aware of the 30-hour cutoff.

And that was when I woke up. I don’t know if I made the cutoff or I DNF-ed.

To say Sinister 7 training is on my mind is an understatement. It’s consuming much of my daily brain power. I am freaking out about training, overtraining, getting injured and everything else that comes with training for a new distance.

Anxieties aside, training is going well. I am fully-immersed into my base building block, so nothing terribly exciting. This is the first step phase in my training that gets my body ready to tackle more challenging workouts down the road. I’m essentially laying the foundation to support heavier loads. Mostly it involves building strength, endurance and overall fitness.

Sinister 7 training: Strength and mobility

I returned to work this week after 12 days of sleeping in to 7 a.m. on mostly unstructured days. Getting up again at 5 a.m. has been an adjustment. I am sure I am not the only one feeling groggy this first week in January.

My saving grace has been the World Gym in my office building. Squeezing in a short workout or mobility session on those tough days has been a game-changer – not to mention a huge time saver. Training for these long distances can quickly turn into time management nightmare if you don’t have your stuff together.

My weekday runs have been relatively short so I am able to do strength on the same days when necessary. I am working on all the functional movements like squats and lunges to build this tired body for endurance. I like strength training so it’s not a new thing for me. The community at World Gym has been great so far and I look forward to training everyday.

As I move forward with my Sinister 7 training, I know it’s going to be a long and challenging journey. But if I stay consistent and stay focused, I’ll be ready when race day arrives.

Was this your first week back to work? Are you training for any races? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

1 Comment

  1. Have you planned some mental training/visualization into your training plan?

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