Tiara-Boundary-Belmore Browne traverse

They say the best lessons come from the paths we choose not to take. I learned this firsthand when I decided to forget my well-thought out plan to do a three-mountain traverse in Kananaskis on Saturday.

My plan was to run/climb the recommended counter clockwise route: Belmore Browne-Boundary-Tiara. But in a moment of complete amnesia (and stupidity), I followed four med students who were convinced the clockwise route was the better option. I got caught up in their excitement.

Let’s just say there were a few unexpected hiccups along the way. Looking back, the biggest lesson I took away was the importance of sticking to my plan and believing in myself.

Truth be told, I can get easily distracted and swayed by others. I should have stuck to my plan and I would have avoided an unnecessary long day, spared a big, purple bruise on my left foot and beating myself up for my poor decision-making.

That said the traverse was gorgeous! The hike up to Tiara was not fun with the loose dirt and shale. I summited Tiara with Trystan, a member the slow and steady hiking group. Nice guy. He offered to lend me his helmet after I started whining about a hiker knocking down rocks. You can avoid any scramble by going around Tiara. We were considering scrambling up through a chimney but after circling around we simply followed a shaley trail to the summit.

Mountain ridges and peaks for miles!

From Tiara, I circled back around the mountain to get back on the main trail to traverse over to Boundary. I really lucked out because it was not a windy day. Blue skies and sunshine all around. The traverse over to Boundary involved a couple easy down climbs and short climbs. All very runnable.

Boundary peak looked very far away and intimidating but once I reached the base I realized it wasn’t too bad. Most of the elevation gain for the day was already behind me so what was another 100 or 200 metres.

It was an easy jog down from Boundary to another climb before the traverse over to Belmore Browne. It was getting late in the day so I made quick time reaching the peak of Belmore Browne. This was a nice little peak with a pink box. I added my name to the log.

I kept looking back to see if there was anyone in my shadow but I knew all the people I met that day were going in the opposite direction. No sign of the four guys I met earlier in the day. I hoped that they made it down safely.

Finally on my way down I took a well-worn trail down to the riverbed. I kept thinking this would have been a much easier climb than the rubbish gully up to Tiara Peak. Still it was a nice day to get out in the mountains. I admit I spent some time beating myself up for changing my plan in the heat of the moment.

I had been trekking along solo when two groups caught up with me. It was pretty jarring to have complete silence then a chorus of voices. I didn’t expect to see so many people on the trail. After declining the lovely invitation to join the hiking group, I made up distance and started talking to the guys in the foursome.

Caught up in the moment, I second-guessed myself when I realized we were veering off course. Confidence does not come easy to me so this became another lesson to trust my instincts. I am not one to give up and I have a lot grit. I don’t know why I didn’t just continue on my own.

Long story short – one of the guys was an in-experienced hiker and the poor guy was struggling. I got caught up trying to encourage and help him. To make matters worse, one of the hikers carelessly knocked down a cascade of rocks at the mountain base, that just missed my head but landed sharply on my foot.

All in all, it was a day filled with lessons learned, beautiful views, and the undeniable reminder to trust my own judgment and experience as a runner and hiker. When I got down to my car, I saw that the guys had written a note on my dirty windshield: Hope you made it down okay.

I had to chuckle because I kept wondering what they were going to do. They still had a long way to go when I left them. I was happy to learn that they turned around after (maybe) reaching Tiara Peak.

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