I jumped at the chance when my new physiotherapist offered to stick a needle in my calves and legs.
Have you ever tried dry needling? No it’s not the same as acupuncture. I had the same question. I have no experience with either but I had to know the difference.
Essentially acupuncture is from the east, dry needling is from the west. Okay there’s a little more to it than that. So both procedures use needles that puncture the skin where dry needling focuses on releasing tension and tight muscles. On the other hand, acupuncture is based on ancient Chinese medicine that is designed to get your whole body in balance by inserting the needles along specific points. (Hopefully I got that right.)
So last week, Nicole focused on my calves and my thighs. The needle prick didn’t hurt but boy did my legs hurt a few hours later. I went yesterday too and i am just as sore as I was last week. She said I would need a few treatments in order to feel the full benefit – looser muscles.
I’m sorry. I buried the lead. I am going to physiotherapy now at Movement Sports Clinic to deal with my broken body. Initially it all started with my foot issue but it all goes back to compensation for weak hips, tight calves and the like. You know what I am talking about.
Anyway I am not running – that much. My foot is improving every day. I guess they were right – staying off my foot would help it improve quicker. That said I hiked Heart Mountain/Grant McEwan on Saturday with Barry.

It was great having some company on the loop. When I did ran it last year, I got a little turned around. This time we had no trouble hiking the loop. Although we did get separated at one point. Although I lugged my Canon with me, I didn’t take it out much because it was so darn cold. Regardless we had a fun day climbing over rocks and sliding down small hills.
So this past week of training was a no go for running kilometres and I am totally fine with that as I get my body back on track.
How was your week? Have you ever tried dry needling? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.