I have had this weird foot issue for the last month. I have developed a type of bursitis – which is a fancy way to say the soft tissue is swollen – near the inner part of my left foot near my big toe.
Imagine running with a golfball inside your sneaker. That’s how it feels – uncomfortable as heck. No pain just uncomfortable. My gait is all kinds of wrong as I try to compensate for the foot.
I have seen a podiatrist and I have had an ultrasound. Foot doctor prescribed an anti-inflammatory cream and I have tried to rest my foot. His assistants made a padded wrap that I can wear in my sneakers to support the foot.
The culprit is likely the wrong shoes and pounding on the asphalt. So I am out of my bad shoes and into my Altras. I am going to stop running on the asphalt until I get better road shoes and the swelling has gone down more. I have also started the hunt for a physiotherapist.
Yes the swelling has gone don since I first saw the doctor but it still has a long way to go. It’s been challenging to put the brakes my running since the weather has been so nice in the region. I know I have to give it a rest or it will only get worse.

As I mentioned the weather has been amazing lately. This past week I managed to run just mover 80 kilometres, up from 70 kilometres the previous week.
I am back to running at Nose Hill during the week. On the weekends I have been going to Kananaskis Country. Last Friday I hike up and ran down Prairie with Rachel. It was great to catch up with her over a nice climb.
I have to get in longer runs. I am stalled around the 22K mark. I am trying to be cautious about my foot. This past Saturday I tried to follow a route that someone suggested on a Facebook group but the trails were not marked so I ended up taking the wrong trail at a junction. After looking at the map on Strava, I was able to see where I went wrong. I want to try this route again but it wasn’t very good for running – lots of ruts and snow.
For the time being I am going to add another rest day during the week to help my foot heal. I have been trying to add more mobility to my routine too. Crossing my fingers it will be a quick recovery.
How is your training going? Have you ever seen a podiatrist? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.