I feel like the treadmill is going to ruin me. Running on a machine is not natural. After another week of treadmill running, I am about to lose my mind.Thankfully, though, the days are getting longer and the sun is rising earlier. We had a big dump of snow, which ruined my long run plans for the weekend.
Red Deer’s trails are awful for running in the winter. I doubt the streets are any better so I know I can get a run in on the treadmill so that was my go to for the week. I’m crossing my fingers that I can get out most nights this week.
I hit my 75K mileage target again. Although I’m not convinced I am working as hard on my treadmill as I would if I run outside. Spring will tell. I ran another 21K on Saturday. Running on a treadmill can be mind numbing but I seriously just tune out and all is good. It helps watching a long movie. (Bonus: I never run out of water.)

On Saturday night I attended a hospice fundraiser with Sona and Michelle. I squeezed in a short core session before the gala. The theme was Havana Nights. I was so impressed with Spotlight, the band from Calgary. You know it’s going to be a good night when they open with a Prince song. We danced all night long. (I’m counting this as an extra endurance workout for the week.)
Coming up this week … more running and strength training.
RELATED: Meet my treadmill
Almost fell off the treadmill at Goodlife last week! Stopped paying attention…lol
75K is awesome, I can’t even imagine…so looking forward to better weather and even a slightly better body would help!