Things I Know For Sure About Running


I still love running despite having to deal with my “self-inflicted” injuries. Nothing beats the feeling you get after a hard fought effort or a slow run where I worked out the stuff that’s been weighing heavy on my shoulders. Running massages my soul and frees my mind. 

I am not an expert on all things running but this I know for sure … 

1. Running will put a smile on your face

I don’t always start my run in the best mood. But nine times out of 10 I will be smiling from ear to ear when I am removing my sneakers. Fresh air and movement will boost your serotonin levels. 

2. Removes the weight of the world

Hello stressful world. There’s nothing like a fast paced run to push the worries away. I’ve had runs where I have been so angry or hopeless so I just ran hard to bust my stress. 

3. Improves your self-esteem

Time and time again I have heard runners say they feel so much better about themselves after they start running. Often when we start something new, it carries onto other areas of our lives. 

4. Best form of therapy

Newly crazy? Need to sort out your feelings or future? Head for a long run. Be alone with your thoughts and work your shit out. No expensive therapy bills here. Just do it. 

5. Meet shiny, happy humans 

Some of the best humans I know are runners. They are generally positive, upbeat and supportive people. Sure there’s the odd asshole but you get that everywhere. 

6. Get a fresh perspective 

Sometimes when I have writer’s block or trying to solve a problem, I just go for a run. It clears the cob webs. Often I am able to sort out my problems and write an entire article in my head. 

7. Anybody can do it

Just look at me. I do not have a runner’s body. No runner looks alike or runs at the same speed. A 12-minute mile, as they say, is the same distance as a 6-minute mile. 

8. It will take you places

Destination races, deserts or mountains. Take your pick. Running can open your world to new places and new experiences.

What are you waiting for?

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