Putting away clean laundry is on my Top 10 list of things I hate to do.
I know some people find comfort and relaxation while folding. Not me. I prefer to take it out of the dryer and toss it all into an open drawer. I’m that lazy.
So my third thought after signing up for the 30-day Bikram yoga challenge was about laundry, lots and lots of laundry. Sigh.
Yes you read correctly. My unbendy self signed up in a moment of weakness to do 30-consecutive hot yoga classes in January. As I am writing this I have completed two classes (only 28 more to go) and on my way to my third class. Every class seems to get better. I hear something new or my head is in the right space.
So far, so good.
The biggest challenge, at least for the first two weeks, will be getting my butt in the door. (My work hours have been flipped a bit.) But I know was soon as I open the door and see the smiley, happy faces of the wonderful instructors I will be good to go.
Besides I think there’s an option of just laying down on your back for 90 minutes.
That I can do.