Oh she grows

We had a few days of crazy rain last week. 
I was thrilled for my garden. It desperately needed a steady rain.  I was so tired of carting water back and forth to the plot. I don’t think it really made a difference either because the soil was dry within a minute of being watered. 
Crazy dry summer. 

The rain did the trick and stuff is coming up. I picked a handful of peas and snipped some kale. The lettuce is slowly making an appearance above ground. Jack’s lettuce is amazing. I’m tempted to snip a few leaves. Please don’t tell. I forgot that I planted zucchini so it took a quick Google search for me to figure out what was coming up. I am excited for fresh zucchini. I found a wonderful raw zucchini lasagna recipe that I can’t wait to try! 
Jack and I toasted our plots with a green smoothie on Sunday. We are thrilled to see the fruits (rather vegetables) of our labour. It was touch and go for a while.  Don’t get me wrong, our plot still sucks overall compared to the neighbouring ones. We’re just thankful something grew! 
Jack and Lisa gave me one of their tomato plants for my balcony. It needs a lot of light. Hopefully I won’t kill the plant and I will be eating fresh tomatoes soon. 


  1. I love that you have a plot! I somehow manage to kill the few tomato/pepper plants I have on my patio every year!

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