Next Friday I will write my municipal law exam. I have been freaking out all week. I am not sure I am ready. As in running when I am in the countdown for the “run” I begin to doubt my “training.” It can be challenging to fit in studying after I work and train. In retrospective, I needed a better time management system.
Anyway .. wish me luck.
This week I was one of the chosen few to register early for Lost Souls in Lethbridge. They are testing a new site and needed some guinea pigs. I was happy to help. My credit card was charged so I assume it worked. Lost Soul will be my A race for 2015. I have to make up for last year’s hot mess.
So if you’re keeping track, I am now registered for three big races:
Brace yourself. The entry fees for all three combined was a whopping $500. (And that does not even factor in the hotels or gas money that I will have to shell out.) Crazy, right? When did races become so expensive? Yes I get it costs money to put on the big events but still … Truth be told I would not have agreed to do Sin 7, if I had known the entry was $225 per team member. But I agreed to be on a team and I don’t want to let anyone down. Besides I know it will be a lot of fun and a great experience.

Whew. I have nothing to do now but train my ass off for the next seven months. I need to get my money’s worth!
Are you bothered by the entry prices? Do you have a yearly budget for races?
$225! That is crazy. I find races are getting crazy expensive too. I don't even want to add up how much I'm spending this year on races and associated travel costs.
Same here! I think I always turn a blind eye to it all. Best thing to do!
I don't love that I have to sign up super early to get good rates when I don't really know how my year will go. I have zero self control when it comes to race-cations, never mind a budget.
That's a really good point. Then you end up paying even more if you wait!
As being a race director and a runner, I can understand why costs are the way they are. The big things are insurance, permits and chip timing. Sinister 7 and Grande Cache are probably the most expensive because of their location. Inaccessible by roads, quads are needed to get supplies and checkpoint equipment to some crazy places. But trail runners want this rough, unchartered terrain- it makes the race. Second, some runners bite off more than they can chew, so now you have to make sure that you have medical at locations. A race director is always searching for medical staff – some volunteers are qualified and some are not. Insurance and some permits say you must have medical and so it is more money to hire medical/bribe them with food. Lastly there is the swag- not sure what Sin 7 does but I have my two coins from CDR in lovely shadow boxes with my name engraved on it (and my CDR racer t-shirts which cannot be bought by the tourists). Also CDR volunteers get their own free t-shirt and they deserve it.
I look at my son who is playing Paintball Nationals in Edmonton this weekend. He will be dropping about $600 for one day of play. So I say – I can afford my running bibs 🙂 Crystal we have to remember that when we started out running it was the 5k & 10ks and bibs were cheaper (lower insurance & no chips) – but now that we are doing ultras the bibs aren't cheap anymore but experience is indescribable.
Good Luck with exams
Yes I get it. Believe me I have heard it over and over again from "race directors" and "volunteers." I appreciate the work put into the race and the organizers. I am just saying prices are out of control and becoming unaffordable. I like to run for the fun of it. It just means in the future I will do less organized races. Some of us have to stick to a budget.
It is just sucky I agree with you Crystal! I get why pirces are what they are. But trutyh be told some I wish to do and some I will never be able to afford. some races are just MORE money than others. And well, crap a few hard decisions have to be made. I try to get in a few by volunteering and such…but still there are so many and FOMO (fear of missing out) is prevelant. I was away in mid Jan and no where near a computer and missed out on a race I had saved up for. Shitty it sold out in a day. Sucks to be me. And yeh. I am pouting. Being on a fixed income sucks at times. Actually most times. I hear ya sister. I feel your pain.
Oh yeah it was one of those "thinking out loud" posts without the headline to go with it 🙂
or the linkys
Wow. $225 is a lot. That's crazy. Sucks that prices are so high for sure. And I like someone said above, they get more expensive the longer you wait. I can't always committee a year out!!
Good luck!! And oh my goodness are races getting expensive!! I'll have to start keeping track on all the expenses!
I know, right? It's a big eyeopener for doing something that should be free )
Holy crap, I didn't brace myself quite hard enough! I just signed up for five local races here in London and kinda went *gulp* when the price tag came to $175. Kinda gets back to that whole "why pay for a race when you can run for free" question. Guess it's just a matter of what gets you motivated vs. what you can afford, not to mention "supply and demand". They DO sound like awesome races though…..!
Agreed 🙂 I will get over it but right now … grrrr!
I feel that even the smaller races are getting out of control. I have been running all my life so I remember 5/10k races being free. After awhile the prices started to come in at 5-10 dollars a race. Now in my home town they have 5/10k from 30-45 dollars. I'm sorry but I can run a 10k on my own for me. I do like the atmosphere but I have to draw a line. The thing is, I am not on a strict budget, it is more the thought of paying to run. I pay 30 dollars to run a 24/min 5k. No thanks. On the brighter side, I think the prices have gone up because running is more popular. It always nice to see other out running and catch a wave or two from fellow runners.