Found & Two Trail Races

I  never thought I would be one of those bloggers who wrote “Sorry I have MIA lately …” 

Yet here I am …

I have had no time for blogging (or reading your blog)! I won’t bore you with the boring details. However I did have time to sign up for the Grizzly Half Ultra on August 3 and the Moose Mountain 29K on August 23.

And with two races on the horizon I have been freaking out about my training. Well not really. I have been doing A LOT of hilly runs and hill workouts. On Canada Day I spent 2.5 hours running hills and getting used to my poles again. I haven’t used them since the Death Race in 2010. I’ve been told they will be a life saviour in Lethbridge.
These two races in August will not be easy. Again I am looking at them as training for Lost Souls but I also want to do well. I am not investing all this training “just to finish.” My calves and ankles have been tender lately because of the hill training. I have no doubt they will fall in line soon.
I’m moving at the end of the month so stuff is literally all over my place. It’s slightly stressful. I am so glad I have running to help me clear my head. I don’t do well with stress! 
Happy Trails!


  1. Running is always so good to help with the head clearing. 🙂 I think it's super impressive and hard core when runners do those crazy trail runs. I have no idea what those poles are for but it makes you look more bad ass I'm sure!

  2. Poles can definitely be a lifesaver but be sure to train and get comfortable with them!

    PS did you race the Death Race solo or relay in 2010?

    1. Relay 🙂 That was enough for me! I've done the entire course a few times while training with others. I'd actually like to go back and do it again because I am in a lot better shape! lol

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