I could have easily skipped my planned runs this week because of the crappy weather and my crazy schedule. But I stayed focused and rocked all my planned runs/workouts. I had to skip speed training on Wednesday because the roads were very slick. I planned to drive to a rink with a great indoor running track but the roads were too bad. I didn’t want to chance it.
Instead Brent and I ran a good pace on a cleared trail near the college. Better than nothing, I say! I don’t have any pictures because I ran in the pitch dark and my iPhone’s battery drained within a few minutes of being outside. All week I really, really had to talk myself into running. I did not want to go outside. But I keep thinking, you will regret skipping your run. It also helped that I slept really well this week! Another success!
We finished the third week of the challenge. On Thursday night it was all about the push press, push up and jump rope. We had to straight skip for 3 minutes, do a few body weight movements and skip for another 3 minutes for the warm up. You know I LOVE skipping so I was fine with this. My right foot, on the other hand, was not happy. I had to hop on one foot because the bottom of my foot was killing me! All the bounding up and down did not help one bit. I gave my foot the ice treatment that night. (Our WOD consisted of box step ups. push press and more push ups.)
After our WOD. Yes that’s chalk on my shirt! |
By Thursday we were both ready to go the regular classes. We planned to meet for the 5:45 p.m. class because Coach Courtney was scheduled for that time slot on Friday. I really like her bubbly personality. She makes everyone feel comfortable and she definitely knows her stuff. All day I kept thinking, I can do anything but the snatch. Anything but the snatch. You may remember I have no love for the snatch.
There was a mixture of levels in the class, maybe 10 people. This eased my nervousness. I always feel like I stick out like a sore thumb. The warm up was intense. I had heard about the “killer” warm ups. They are definitely not local urban legends.
I am relieved that I do have some sort of resemblance of muscle memory. I got more confident as the minutes ticked away. I may have been slower but I felt better. To be honest, I love feeling a little sore the next day. You know the expression, it hurts so good? That’s what I love. I know that I am pushing my body when I do. Great feeling! I am looking forward to the 6 a.m. classes next week!
Cross your fingers that I can get in some solid mileage. Mother Nature has been so unpredictable this winter that I am considering doing some training on the treadmill. I shudder at the thought. But I am now entering my “get down to business” training phase.
I have a 10-mile run planned on Sunday and hills/maybe speed on Saturday.
What’s on your training schedule this weekend?
Totally inspiring! I cross train with Thai boxing and it isn't pretty either 🙂 I'd love to do more cross fit (more than the one time I've done it). You look great and sounds like it's a killer workout.
Crossfit plus running…awesome combo. Definitely a great way to gain strength and keep yourself injury-free for your running. I hit the gym pretty hard too both off and on season. I find that it really balances out my muscle strength.
great job and keep it up! Looking forward to your sub-3:45 race report 🙂
Way to go on the workout! It definitely is hard to get back into CrossFit workouts and met cons…they burn so bad! I did my LSD today with my dog. A bit snowy, but it was so sunny out which made up for it
Love Crossfit, although I'm a wannabe 🙂 I will grab a WOD from a CF website and tailor it to what I can do at the gym. I don't get the snatch or the overhead squat. I watch tutorials but I'm sure I'm doing them wrong! Maybe some day I'll work out in an actual "box". Great job getting back into it. I've found it really helps my running. Hope you get your long run in! Got my 8 miles in this am. 28 degrees in Maryland felt downright balmy.
There are a lot of strong women at my box. I find the snatch tough! Have you ever watched it in the Olympics? I am jealous! I wish the weather was balmy here!
I have never tried crossfit…it kind of scares me. LOL Having said that…my plan is to start doing a bit more strength training for the upcoming racing season.
PS…I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award. You can check out the post on my blog at http://www.indyroo.blogspot.ca Great job and I'm so glad I have found your blog to follow!