How to survive hot weather running

Heat. Humidity. Summer is officially here. Time to change my running routine. Usually I run in the evenings, directly after work. I can still do this but my runs generally suck and I feel like crap.

  1. Run before the crack of dawn or when the sun goes down – I’m a fan of morning runs mainly because I strive to be an early riser. And I find it challenging to wind down after a late night exercise session. I have to get up super early for my long runs now but it so worth it.
  2. Get naked – Rather dress in cool shirts and shorts. Less is more. This is the time to show some skin. But don’t forget to wear shades and to cover your head. I like wearing visors.
  3. Lather up – Sunscreen or bug spray depending on when you run.
  4. Be mindful of your pace – Slow down. Humidity can really do a number on your body. Take it slow and run by feel.
  5. Drink lots of water – Hydrating is important more than ever. I also like to put my water bottle in the freezer or add ice to my bottle. Remember if you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. 
These are rules I live by in July and August. Like anything it takes some time getting used to running in warmer weather. There are times when I have no choice but to run in the heat of the day. When I do, I keep it short and sweet. 
Happy running. 


  1. Thanks a lot for sharing such a great piece of article! I found it a good helpful write-up with a good sound and explanation. Here I have seen some valuable ideas that are definitely helpful for every running enthusiast who wants to safely run in a hot temperature. Please keep sharing more updates!

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