When it comes to photos, I’m a complete and unapologetic snob. I have a great eye for photography. I’m that person who is pointing my iPhone at you when you’re running or throwing up some weight. I promise not to get in your way.
This morning I went to Ignite to work on my press. If you have been reading my blog you know about my struggles with my improving my strength. Anyway Catherine and I shared a bar so I took a couple pics when she pressed. (See below) I don’t trust most people’s photography skills so that’s why you rarely see a picture of me on my blog.
We both set new strict press PRs. Yay for us! I remember when I first started I never imagined I would be able to lift 50 pounds overhead. Now I boast an (ugly) 60 pound PR. I say ugly because clearly one side is stronger than the other. I really had to dig deep to push on my left side. I attempted twice to get 60 pounds. The first time I hesitated and lost my focus. I got it on the second try. And that was enough for me. The last time I tried (maybe in November?) I barely was able to lift 52 pounds. So that’s a big leap for me!
I also did three sets of 10 for pull ups. I am still using the light green band. I am positive it will take the better part of 2013 before I reduce bandage or be able to nail a strict pull up. That’s okay. Small steps, right?