Another success! I finally moved from the dowel to an actual barbell for the snatch. Every time we’ve practiced in class, I’ve always pictured smacking myself in the face with the bar. Needless to say, I’ve shied away from using the barbell. But today I didn’t think too much about it. Instead I grabbed a training bar before I could change my mind. Likely it was because I was half asleep.
Karen and I were partners. We stayed with the bar while Ian made ensure our technique was bang on. I don’t have it down 100 per cent. But I am happy with my little head way.
On to the handstand push-ups… well that was interesting. Ian showed us a modified version on the bench which I opted for. I don’t have the strength yet in my upper body. One day.
The rest of the day I was like a zombie. I can’t wait to sleep tonight. I am going to sleep in until 6 a.m. Whoo hoo!