running shape

Back in running shape? More like trying not to face-plant

I have a confession to make.

I am incredibly out of running shape.

While you have seen me in the mountains every weekend, my running has taken a backseat. Sure, I cover plenty of ground the mountains, but I have been moving at a slower, more deliberate pace than I would while running. I run sections but not as much as I would have a year ago.

As a trail runner, I move (somewhat) across technical terrain quickly, but hiking – though beneficial for building endurance and strength – just isn’t the same as running. Often I have found myself walking on a very runnable trail and it does not even cross my mind to run.

I’ve had a tough six, seven months and I have let my running self go. Some people may drown their sorrows in running, I do the complete opposite. I numb my emotions with trashy food and trashy shows on streaming services. I have truly enjoyed taking it easy and being reflective on the trails but my self-induced fog has finally lifted.

I miss running, and I want to get back at it. I feel that it has been missing from my life. If you have been reading this blog, you know I have been here before – starting from scratch. Just last August when I broke my ankle, and I was out for several months.

Sometimes, it feels like I can’t catch a break.

Yet I am super excited to get back into the running groove. But let me tell you, it is both tough and humbling to start from square one .. again. I have definitely felt the loss of my running endurance and efficiency especially when I am trying to keep up with a friend running down a hill. Funny how did the joys of running downhill have been replaced with fear of face-planting.

And let’s be real: I have put on some extra weight, which makes running uncomfortable and does nothing for my self-esteem.

Now, it’s time to focus on my running recovery

October is a perfect time to hit reset. I love running in the fall, and I know it will only take a few months to get back into running shape – hopefully by the year’s end, I’ll feel like my old self.

What challenges have you faced trying to get back into running shape after a break? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.


  1. I find I have to ditch the watch and just focus on time outside and reminding myself that I am building on all my past experience and that the fitness will come back in due course. I’ve been out of the loop a bit, too, and know I need to build back patiently. The fall is indeed a perfect season to get back at it!

    1. Author

      What great advice! I think I need to do ditch my garmin for sure. I love fall running so much.

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