Mount Jimmy Simpson

Mount Jimmy Simpson is one of new favourite peaks. It’s got everything I want in a mountain summit: sweeping views of glaciers, alpine lakes and an array of rugged peaks.

The approach to the summit was part of the adventure. We took the trail for Bow Falls then veered off to the right where we were greeted with some big rocks then a climb up a steep, dirt section to the boulder field, a ledge and finally to the open area where we greeted with impressive rock formations and lovely views of Dolomite and Cirque peaks (and many other that I cannot name).

Cairns – somewhat – led the way to the ridge and eventually to the summit. Once we got into the scree bowl, we followed the cairns to the ridge. We had to navigate around some boulders but the trail was generally pretty good until we reached the super steep section.

I was stuck on one spot and I thought I was going to slide down the gully along with the rocks. After a few tense moments, I got a grip and continued climbing. On the way down, we could see a better trail then the one we took up. Still the last bit up to the ridge was not fun going up or down. Slow and steady got us down safely.

The main view of the Mount Jimmy Simpson summit didn’t come up until the very end and it did not disappoint. Thankfully the wind died down for moments to allow us to enjoy the views and have a snack.

I truly loved Mount Jimmy Simpson, and I can’t wait to do it again. (My Garmin clocked 17 kilometres with 1,172 metres.)

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