Grizzly Peak in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park

Grizzly Peak has quickly become one of my favourite short hikes in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park. This day I wanted to do something that didn’t involve too much brain power. The day before I had used up all my brain power on the Baldy traverse.

I started a little later than usual but I knew this hike/run wouldn’t take more than a few hours since I did the route last year with Kate and Collum. I made quick time along the well-worn trail because I knew where I was headed. A new-to-me trail always takes longer because I am always second-guessing myself and double checking the route.

Several small groups were ahead of me and I eventually passed them. I spotted several animal trails along the route. I stuck to the well-defined trail. Once l rounded the corner, the views opened of the mountains and the meadows opened up.

The terrain abruptly changed and I was faced with a steep incline to a scree gully. It was hard work but I managed to stay on my two feet. The trail looked worse from a distance but as it goes it wasn’t nearly as challenging once I was on it.

The wind picked up very quickly at the saddle. I put on my wind jacket and gloves. It would not be a short hike to the summit. There was still a little snow and I avoided it at all costs. I did quite a bit of zigzagging so I wouldn’t get wet feet.

The summit was windy as expected. Thankfully I wasn’t confronted with gale force winds. I sat for awhile and chatted with a squirrel, who was very interested in my raisins and peanut butter sandwich, before I continued along the ridge.

It was getting chilly so I ran down as much as I could without falling flat on my face. I admit I did slide down in one spot thanks to that dry terrain that is so easily takes out runners and hikers. It was a fun run down to my car – and I had a wonderful encounter with some Rocky Mountain Sheep.

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