Always on Mountain time

There’s something uniquely invigorating about reconnecting with like-minded friends especially when the reunion is in the mountains.

I met MK at the gas station off of Hwy 1 to carpool to our destination. After a few texts here and there, we decided we both needed a slow time on our feet day – nothing too fancy or required much brain power. I had run 35K the day before so I knew I would be too zonked for another long day.

We headed to Nihahi Ridge for a quick jaunt up to the ridge. We didn’t really make any concrete plans other than play it by ear on the ridge. Because there’s so much snow in the mountains, you have to be flexible.

No surprise there was still some snow between the trees and ridge. I tried to scramble up the first rock face a few times but I couldn’t find a solid route. In the end, we decided to take the trail that led to the waterfall and up to the ridge. I had never seen this waterfall so I was immediately underwhelmed by the trickle of water.

The rest of the hike to the ridge was beautifully uneventful. We spent a few minutes on the top, enjoying our snacks. We noticed a couple of hikers going down some scree so we decided to follow in their footsteps. It turned out to be a lot of fun because the scree was perfect for a quick descent.

Beyond the blue skies and breathtaking views, what made this morning truly special was the chance to reconnect with a friend who embodies being on mountain time. Life has a way of pulling us in different directions, but it’s truly awesome when you make the time to get out doing something you both love to do in the mountains.

I heard this expression recently – always on mountain time, which captures a mindset and lifestyle centred around a deep appreciation for the mountains and outdoor adventures. People who are “always on mountain time” find joy and fulfillment in hiking and climbing and exploring the rugged terrain.

I never thought about it that way but it resonates with me. I feel most alive and connected when I am immersed in the mountains. And it’s amazing when you connect with those like-minded people who share the same values and passion for this lifestyle.

Are you living on mountain time? What is your favourite way to spend your downtime? I would love to hear from you in the comments.

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