Spring reset

Drink up, it’s time for a spring reset

Now that winter is done with us for now, I am diving headfirst into spring with a whole new zest for running and life. My mom’s death really shook me up and made me rethink things. As trite as it sounds, we have only got this one shot at life. Lately I’ve been doing some serious soul-searching about how I want to live mine.

So I am doing a much-needed spring reset.

Drink up, buttercup

My spring reset involves more than just moving and running more. I’ve more than doubled my water intake to stay hydrated and energized. (Of course, this also means I’ve become well-acquainted with every tree or bush along my running routes.)

I don’t drink as much water as I should in the winter. And my skin and my energy levels really pay for it. I bought a 3.8 litre jug that I fill every morning and I try to finish it before I go to bed. I’ve come close to finishing it twice.

We all know how dehydration can seriously mess with our running game. With my runs getting longer and longer, I really cannot sleep on my water intake.

The Dietitians of Canada recommend women 19 years and older drink nine cups of water per day. Of course the recommended daily intake for the average woman varies depending on things like activity level, gender and fitness.

I have been feeling fantastic since I started drinking more water. It’s the cheapest and easiest way to start feeling good. When I don’t drink enough water, I have all the symptoms of mild dehydration like being groggy, irritable and dry lips. I make poor food choices and I am a grumpy mess.

You are what you eat

I’ve gained weight and I feel really heavy and gross. So I am going back to basics and eating more fruits and veg. I generally eat healthy macros and micronutrients BUT I do tend to zone out with my eating when I am feeling stressed or hopeless. Refocusing on what I put in my body has been really good too. I want to eat well to support my running performance and recovery. So far, so good.

Are you doing a spring reset? Let me leave you with something. Spring, which is often referred to as the season of renewal, isn’t just about shedding winter layers. It’s about shedding old habits, embracing new beginnings and taking one positive step after another.

Do you do a spring reset? What are some of the things that you “reset”? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

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