My take on the $820,000 Prairie Mountain facelift

I like the new Prairie Mountain.

Last year roughly $820,000 came out of provincial coffers to upgrade the wildly popular mountain trail in Kananaskis Country. A temporary closure was in the areas between Highway 66, Prairie Creek trail, and Pistolero trail for a few months. People were up in arms over the closure (because apparently Prairie Mountain is the only mountain in Kananaskis).

The trail has been open for several months now (and closed temporarily at various times because of the mud. ). I have been up a handful of times (mostly in the winter), and I have to say I like the improvements. There is a reason why this mountain is so popular – it is less than hour from Calgary, and it’s a short hike with wonderful views.

The old trail from Hwy 66, near the winter gate, could be a gong show in sections. There wasn’t a defined trail in sections so people would go up and down in all directions. I think winter Prairie Mountain was the worst – people would often slide down on their butts, ruining the trail and creating a potential dangerous situation.

It was annoying steep in parts but as trail runners, we got used to the grind.

The new Prairie from Hwy 66

There are two trailheads along Hwy 66 – past the winter gate and just before you turn down to the Elbow Falls parking, which meet up in no time. The new “trailhead” is more user-friendly and gradual with compacted clay replacing loose rocks and roots. Once this past winter, I even saw a guy hike up wearing an AirCast boot.

Strategically placed new stone steps enhance a few spots along the switchbacks leading to the summit. Several seat-like boulders mark scenic viewpoints along the way. While the rocky areas have been smoothed out, the final 500 metres before the forest opening remain a challenging grind.

The trail didn’t seem to change much after the opening to the forest – maybe it’s moved over closer to the ridge.

What I noticed immediately was the new demographic and all the dogs on the trail. With the trail being more accessible, more and more people have been hiking up the mountain. As a runner, this can be annoying because we love running down this mountain – now running down the front side is less treacherous without the roots and rocks – but somewhat frustrating with all the people.

But we know we have to share the trail. I love seeing all the different faces on the trail! Overall I like the new trail because it is more accessible and safer experience for a broader audience.

What do you like about the new Prairie trail? Were the upgrades worth $820,000? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

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