Benefits of running on local trails

I have been running the same trail on Nose Hill for weeks. Some may call it boring or predictable but I call it beneficial to my overall mental and physical well-being.

As a rule, we runners are creatures of habit. We often do the same thing over and over again because our sport relies heavily on consistency.

Lately I have been in Calgary for the weekends, which means I have to get my long run in on a local trail. While I much rather be in the mountains, I have to make do with the local trails in the city. I found that it’s not so bad when you have a training plan and goal.

Consistency and routine

Running on local trails like Nose Hill has become a cornerstone of my training , providing a reliable and consistent routine. It’s easier to stick to a schedule when you know the terrain and can anticipate the conditions.

Benchmark for fitness

Running the same routes allows me to track my progress. I can easily measure improvements in my pace, and endurance when I run the same trail. This not only boosts my motivation but also allows me to set realistic goals and achieve them.

Convenient and time saver

One of the greatest advantages of running local trails is their convenience and accessibility. There’s no need for long drives or elaborate planning. I can just get dressed, grab my hydration pack and be on the trail in minutes. This makes it easier to fit runs into my schedule. This convenience ensures that I can maintain a regular running routine without the hassles of driving for a couple of hours. A 20-kilometre run in Calgary means I have hours left in the day to more things. When I drive to the mountains, the shortest would be a two-hour drive return.

Running community

I can count on one hand the amount of times, I have not bumped into someone I know on a local trail like Nose Hill or Bowmount. It’s always fun to chat with another runner.

What do you appreciate most about your local running trails? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

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