Somehow it was fitting that a hurricane was in the forecast for my first weekend in Nova Scotia.
It felt like everything was being thrown at me in recent months – a headache move, a broken ankle, an unexpected car bill to name a few – so the pending storm didn’t rattle me too much.
Thankfully the hurricane bypassed the spot I called home for three weeks in September. We lost power for most of the Saturday but it was back on by the evening.
The winds were relatively strong. I drove down to the nearby harbour a few times to watch the waves.

I was in N.S. to take care of some family business. It’s been YEARS since I stepped on Annapolis Valley soil. To be honest, I was stressed out pretty much for months but in the end it was a great visit. I feel like a huge weight as been lifted from my shoulders.
Anyway .. the ankle is healing well.
The plane ride was the most uncomfortable part of my journey. I had a window seat and it was nearly impossible to get comfortable. A trip to the chiropractor is in order.
I was granted permission from the doctor to ease out of the boot over two weeks. I wore the boot religiously for the first week in Nova Scotia. By the second week, I was done dragging my foot along in the heavy Air Cast.

I started easing down the road with a short tentative walk every day. I was staying less than a kilometre to Halls Harbour. So everyday I would walk towards the harbour until I could walk the entire distance to the shore.

The first few days were painfully slow but by the third day I was able to walk very slowly to the harbour and along the shoreline. Nothing beats the smell of the ocean with cool breeze.

I didn’t have much time to visit friends or to explore. I did make it to Blomidon Beach with my parents and Scot’s Bay. I took one day to myself walking around Wolfville and driving around the valley.

My goal at the end of my trip was to hike very slowly the Cape Split trail on my final day in the valley. As luck would have it … the fog rolled in that morning.

The hike was slow but very comforting. I desperately needed to get out and reconnect with nature. I was so happy to get back to Calgary and the mountains. Ankle is feeling good but I still need to take it easy until it is fully healed.
I haven’t been reading blogs lately but this popped up in my email today! You were in my neck of the woods!!! Looks like you got to a lot of the great places here in the Valley. Cape Split is one of my favourites to run or hike. Hope you enjoyed NS!!
Oh yeah.. I was so busy with family stuff – no time to play!