My rest game has been so strong lately. To be perfectly honest, I have been taking it easy since about December.
And I’m okay with that.
So this past week we were hit with yet another blast of bitter conditions with -40C temperatures and a big dump of snow. I know it shouldn’t be surprising but every time it happens after a Chinook rolls in, we are shocked.
It is winter after all, we eventually say after coming to terms with the inevitable and unpredictable winter patterns.
Since I sold my treadmill in 2021, I don’t have many options for running inside. And I don’t really want to so when it’s -40C, I will happily take a few rest days.
I amuse myself with lifting weights, cleaning and baking. Normally a week of missed runs would have had me climbing the walls. Not this time. I have really owned these two months of focusing on strength and mobility with very low mileage.
Generally I usually take time off in December then I go completely all in again in January. I never seem to enjoy a legitimate down time. I always feel like I am training for something.
That’s also a personality quirk because I always need to be doing something. I like to fill my hours with something so it’s hasn’t been a complete pause and breather. But it has allowed me to focus on staying healthy and not getting caught up on what everyone else is doing on Strava. (I admit I get a little FOMO.)
I hope this conscious effort of “rest” and “reset” will make me stronger and less tired in 2023. I have so many exciting plans that I can’t wait to get started (as soon as the temperatures improve).
Do you take a reset week or month after a season? How important are rest days to you? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.