Sometimes I feel like a mad person like truly a person losing their mind.
Monday began like any other Monday. I got up way too late. Scrambled to get online for 6 a.m. and powered through a couple of hours of work before I headed downtown to my office. I went through the motions the rest of the day, as most people do on a Monday.
By the time I got home, I was feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts. Sure enough a couple hours later I am writing in my journal and crying for no reason. I was texting a friend and acting completely cray cray.
It happens every single month yet I am always surprised when my emotions take over. With my vapid mood swings and depressive thoughts, I don’t recognize myself. I know a lot of women have terrible cramps and such but I become an emotional hot mess and train wreck.
By Wednesday I was still feeling out of sorts but I decided to take control. If I was going to cry for no reason, I might as well cry in the mountains.

It’s been months since I had been on Powderface Ridge so I headed out after work. There was a lot of construction so it look about 20 minutes longer than usual.

I don’t usually head to the mountains during the week because I have to get up so early. It hardly seems worth it for a short run. But I didn’t want to spend another night crying in my pillow.

Cows everywhere! Dozens were grazing on the side of the highway so I shouldn’t have been surprised to see them on the ridge. It has greened up so well since the last time I was there. These two beauties kindly stepped off the trail and let me pass after posing for a few photos.

I didn’t see anyone on my way up to the two ridges. A woman in the parking area said it wasn’t muddy. (Of course it was muddy.) It was very windy with some sprinkles of rain at times but overall perfect.

The usual wall of snow blocked the north ridge. There was still a little snow in the trees but mostly the trail was in decent shape. I wish I had brought my crazy carpet. Now that would have been fun!

Powderface Ridge is little further out on Hwy 66 than Prairie Mountain but I really like the vast views. I considered going up Prairie but I’ve had enough of it.

I took my time taking in the views and breathing in the mountain air. Yes I know that sounds cheesy but it actually worked for me. All the week’s stress and garbage bag emotions faded away. Sometimes you just need to take a time out.