Alberta’s environment minister made a surprise announcement on Thursday – easing restrictions on vehicle access to provincial parks and staging areas as part of the province’s relaunch strategy.
Wait. What?
I don’t think anybody saw this coming. It was so abrupt, sudden just like when the province banned access to the areas in late March. Anyway, I will take it.
I didn’t hop in my Qashqai and drive straight away from the city. I waited until Saturday.
I knew I had to get started early – wherever I was headed. There’s still a lot of snow in the mountains so I made a safe bet to try my luck on Prairie Mountain. Honestly I didn’t want to give it anymore thought than I needed to. It’s still very early in the season, and there’s plenty of snow in the mountains.
There were probably about 10 cars parked along the highway when I arrived just after 7 a.m. A few other cars arrived just as I started my climb. Judging from the number of vehicles, I expected to see more people as I made my way up to the summit. I met – maybe four people – on their way down. I heard later that some hikers had started at 3:30 a.m. to catch the sunrise.
The ground was dry with patches of snow and ice for the first kilometre or so. My calves burned a bit because they forgot what elevation felt like. When I reached the middle section (in the trees), I cursed myself for not bringing my Kahtoolas.
Snowy and icy. I was slipping and sliding the whole way up. When I finally emerged from the trees, I met these three guys who applauded efforts for making it up without spikes. I just shook my head, and laughed because I know better than not to bring my spikes on Prairie Mountain.
Anyway I reached the top to find a crowd (five or six people) all staring out into the distance. A couple of paragliders were waiting to jump off the side of the mountain. We were in for a treat because it’s very rare to see any gliders on Prairie.
Pretty exciting to say the least. The most excitement I have ever seen on Prairie, except for that time when I asked strangers for a cup of tea. No wonder the others were standing there staring at these guys as they prepared to jump.
While there was little wind at the top, I didn’t stick around too long. I had considered doing the Prairie Loop but I didn’t have bear spray with me so I decided to stay on the safe side and do an out and back.
I chatted with a few people before heading down. I wasn’t looking forward to navigating through all the snow and ice again. But in the grand scheme of things, I didn’t really care. I was just happy to be out in the mountains again.
More and more cars had arrived since I started my hike/run. People were getting a little aggressive about parking spots. Still I was done pretty early so I took a quick walk along the Elbow River. It was so quiet and peaceful. I just love hearing the sound of the rushing water. Perfect.
How was your weekend? Did you spend some time outside? Have you ever hiked Prairie Mountain? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.
Great timing, Crystal! Any word on if those guys have landed yet—from the looks of the view, it seemed as though they coulda made it to those snowy mountain peaks off in the distance!
ha ha no idea … I am wondering the same thing myself 🙂
Crystal recently posted…Back to the mountains, gliders on Prairie