No doubt cycling will make me a better runner

You know that old expression – “Just like riding a bike” when you want to describe something that is easy and should come second nature to you?

Not my favourite expression. Especially after I mentioned to a few people (OK a lot) about my initial anxiety about cycling/biking again after at least 30 something years.

Two bike memories come to mind. The first was when I was out biking when I was probably in junior high. I decided I had enough of the pedalling. I tossed the bike in the ditch and walked home. (You can do that in rural Nova Scotia in the 1980s, and expect the bike to still be there when your stepfather is forced to pick it up in the truck.)

I also remember watching the guys on my street flying over makeshift ramps on their BMX bikes. Maybe I joined in, maybe I just heckled them. My memory is pretty hazy. Anyway the point is … I haven’t been on a bike for a long, long time. (Taking spin classes or warming up on a bike before hitting the weights do not count.)

Why start now?

I’m trying all the new things in 2019. Calgary has such a great network of trails for cyclists and runners. Everybody cycles here. There’s even an app for the pathways in the city. I want to see more of Calgary and I know I wouldn’t cover as much ground if I were to run. My colleague rides to work nearly every day, which makes me feel like such a slacker. Currently I am living within cycling distance, so why not?

Mountain bike or road bike?

You won’t see me navigating the twists and turns and riding high at West Bragg Creek. The visions off flying over my handlebars and landing smack into a tree stopped any unrealistic fantasy. (I can barely run in West Bragg without tripping over my feet. Toss a bike into the mix and nobody is safe.

I bought a Norco hybrid from Bow Cycle. The wheels are slightly bigger than a strict road bike so I can handle some light off road. I had to go to Bow Cycle twice before I could buy anything. The first time I walked out because I was simply overwhelmed with the bright lights and row after row of shiny new bikes.

Once upon a time, buying a bike was simple. Road or mountain bike. Now there’s so much choice depending on your needs and wallet. Once I got over my anxiety, I was able to articulate what I needed. The friendly staff fitted me on the bike and I was good to go.

Riding the legacy trail.

Don’t laugh. I was really nervous about riding. I questioned whether or not that stupid expression about never forgetting how to ride a bike was accurate. I always seem to imagine the worst case scenarios. So I watched a couple of YouTube videos before I even tried to get on my bike (outside of the store).

Thankfully after a few rides, I felt confident to ride the Canmore to Banff Legacy Trail with Karen and Shannon. What a great experience. It was really fun and I was able to figure out how to use the gears on my bike. (I didn’t get to that bit yet.)

It didn’t take me long to experience “cycling rage” when I riding on a pathway and a pedestrian refused to move despite the crowded two-way traffic. Her words? “You can wait.” I admit I had a few choice words for her.

So far I pretty confident biking/cycling on the road. However I am still a little nervous on the downhills. Thankfully Amber gave me some tips, which helped a lot.

Also I am confused about the word “biking” vs. “cycling.” What do you use? I asked the question on Twitter and I received a range of responses. I feel weird saying I am going to cycle to work as opposed to I am biking to work. Maybe it’s an Easterner, thing? Maybe I am making a big deal out of nothing?

I have not commuted to work via my bike yet. It’s going to happen. I promise. Between the crappy weather and other stuff, it just hasn’t happened yet.

Meanwhile I am squeezing some short rides in on the bike and trying not to elbow rude pedestrians or flip the bird at motorists.

Do you ride? How many bikes do you own? I ask because it seems everyone I ask has two or three. Has cycling helped your running?


  1. Hey Crystal I have a GT Men’s Vantara Claris Road Bike, Personally, I love it. I think any cardio whether it be running or cycling will have a positive impact on each other. And I think biking and cycling and two different things. You can go mountain biking or bmx biking but when you are on the street or in a race you are cycling. But that’s just my opinion.
    Bryan Ray recently posted…The Best Bike Rack For Honda CR-VMy Profile

    1. Author

      Thanks for visiting. Sounds like you have a great bike too!

  2. Thanks for such a nice content. Apppreciate it 🙂
    If anyone interested similar one’s have a look here thanks

  3. Hey there! I was about to choose one between road bikes and mountain bikes which was little overwhelming for me. As I searched for suggestion online, I found this (

    It was so helpful for me to decide one. I’ve chosen a mountain bike as I used to ride downhill terrains. Take a look if you’re a little hesitated too! Take love.

  4. I finally got a road bike and have been spending more time on it. There is a bike path but man they need to maintain it. My lady parts do not enjoy some of the strips. I think that is the hardest part of cycling at the moment, being able to be comfortable for 2 hours at a time!
    Emily Durant recently posted…Do Bicycles Have a Weight Limit? And How Much It Can HoldMy Profile

  5. Also I am confused about the word “biking” vs. “cycling.” What do you use?
    TANJIL recently posted…Hello world!My Profile

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